The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable



Great to hear from you.

That actually surprises me. Either things have changed a lot on that forum in the last couple of years, or else they let a lot more go in politics (which Iā€™ve never read) than in the sports subs. For example, even something like calling a player a bitch in a game thread will get your ass chewed out now immediately.

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Avatar reminds me of Fabian. Same person?


Hot Take: This is because they think racism / sexism / etc. are all about words. So if you stop calling someone a bitch you can ipso facto no longer be sexist. Itā€™s like by making people say only nice things to each other we can have a civil society even if kids are locked in cages.

Edit: To be clear - words matter. But so does a bunch of other shit. They donā€™t want to care about the other shit.


Same avatar, same person. I needed a break from this place a few months back, have been lurking the whole time but got back into posting a bit this week. Weā€™ll see if I keep it up post election :+1:


I canā€™t just follow online tonight. Whoā€™s the best to watch? That Kornacki guy always struck me as pretty solid. King on CNN is good on the map but the rest of the production can be annoying.

I donā€™t know how people can be undecided after having so much exposure to these people. This isnā€™t like the old days when there was a half hour of news on at night that mostly covered local affairs. These pricks are on 24/7 for years.

Anyway, Iā€™m watching Chapoā€™s Twitch stream starting 7 PM EST.

Terrific immune system on children. Get the children back to work. Have to get the children back to work. Small hands, very quick. Back to work.



I think the fact is even with social media and the 24 hour cable news cycle, a lot of people still donā€™t have much exposure to this stuff.

Hey! Glad your alive, and hopefully well, at least by 2020 standards.


dont celebrate until all votes are counted

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I get what youā€™re saying, but there have been some pretty amazing discussions over there recently and there are a ton of good people with good heartfelt intentions.

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Thatā€™s a corollary to the harder you mash the key the harder the shot/punch/kick that your avatar delivers to your own screen opponent. Many a keyboard and joystick has been sacrificed to this principle.

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I canā€™t be at a tv until probably 9 pm tonight so Iā€™m counting UP to keep me updated. Donā€™t let me down!

So the real ā€œfunā€ begins in the next hour or so and just want to quickly say thanks to this pretty great community, no idea how it happened but by far my favorite internet place and Iā€™ve been around lots of internets in the past 20 years. Also thanks to the mods/admins for the hassle of modding and admining. Good luck everyone :+1:


First beer of the day award - couldnā€™t not do it.


exit poles coming up on cnn

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