The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Not really. He’s not built to accept any kind of public failure.

500K is way more than we need. Run it up! Leave no doubt! Make sure they remember forever the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania!


I can’t think about it clearly now, but I honestly have no idea how lame duck Trump gonna act like. I see both trying to nuke places and not visiting the WH once as valid options.


I got a home gym - I’ve been working out for 2-3 hours every afternoon (I drag it out then do cardio). Then I shower, drink a few shots of mescal, and try to make some progress on the book I’m writing.

Doomscrolling however - is so bad I have carpal tunnel or something similar. I’m still laying in bed now doomscrolling - which is typical. So yeah that bad habit got way way worse.

Until they see your greybeard and you fail to ace the whiteboard and they decide they aren’t that interested any more.

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Lol. True enough.

Programming jobs blow for that. When I was in my 30s I never had an interview where I didn’t get the job. Now it’s the exact opposite. I walk out thinking I nailed it and they lose interest.

Totally. I’ve been on 30-40 interviews for full time work in my life and gotten one offer. This was all in my 20s.

So, per 538, Biden needs to win 63 percent of the remaining 50,400 mail in votes in Georgia. Given how he’s done so far, Biden seems like a heavy favorite to do so, IMO.


on work calls, assume with the lack of substance that nothing is new in the last hour?

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I think the chances in GA have improved.

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Any news today has been neutral or good. Biden’s got this, just a question of by how much.


Georgia looking razor thin. If Biden wins the outstanding at the same rate of 63%, it’s within tens of votes.

That said, then the provisionals come into play, which iirc somebody had evidence that these favor Biden.

How does 550,000 sound?

They don’t make ginger. Very hard to match.


Nevada went from like 90% to 99% locked. Pennsylvania is slow and steady but hitting all the metrics we need to win easily. Nothing from Arizona until tonight.

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Lmao “talk to your local DA or the ombudsman!”