The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable



Hey MSNBC, quick tip: thatā€™s not the GA SOS on TV.

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Well, Trump was right about one thing. Novemeber 3rd passed and I really havenā€™t heard the media talking much about COVID! COVID! COVID! :smiley:



The fact that we hit a new record yesterday did make news. He was wrong about even that.


EDIT: All kidding aside Iā€™m 99% sure itā€™s cowardice. The intimidation is working, not in the sense that itā€™s stopping the count, but in the sense that nobody wants to be in the vicinity when it gets called. I donā€™t blame them at all honestly, and thatā€™s gotta be a lot more visceral with a murder of screaming morons outside.


Hey, I can understand. With the remote schooling, my kid has uploaded his assignment and forgotten to ā€œsubmitā€ a couple times.

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ā€œAdministrative workā€ is sus. (First time trying out ā€˜susā€™, dunno if Iā€™m using it right) Itā€™s not routine admin work imo. Maybe a threat? A mistake they are trying to figure out?


460K outstanding that arrived by 11/3 at 8pm. Then the law allows them to count everything postmarked by 11/3 that arrives by 11/6. Trump will try to get those tossed, and has a shot - but we donā€™t need them, we got this in the bag anyway.

If what went up was the remaining Election Day vote from West Philly, 78% is fine. Thatā€™s my guess. We should run 80/20 give or take on Election Day and 90/10 on mail-ins. West Philly likely includes some areas that are a little less than 80/20, so it depends exactly which precinct there. Parts would run > 80 parts would run a little under.


USPS fucked us is my guess.


Shit, I just realized the Packers play tonight. Hopefully this shit is wrapped up before then.

We know the amount of mail-ins, so having extra E-Day on top of that is great news.

Perhaps weā€™ll see a large provisional number then. In PA can you track if your ballot was received and accepted?

The pause and nod at the beginning sells it.


My heart canā€™t take this. When do we expect a meaningful update?

Eh, we hope we know the number of mail ins. If thereā€™s one thing that has been consistent state to state across this whole process itā€™s that people are prioritizing speed over accuracy or clarity to a ridiculous extent. The people who are doing the latter we arenā€™t talking about and they pretty much all agree with you.

Iā€™m not enjoying any part of this process and I wish someone would just embrace being the person who last hit Donald Trump and try to monetize it like a good American should.

Thatā€™ll be the day Arizona became a state. Literally. February 14.

People giving St. John McCainā€™s corpse credit for the AZ win is putting me on tilt.