The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

As in life…

and even if we fade that, the site we’re playing on is sus and we’re worried about cashing out in time


LOL, fuck right off, Nate. People pay attention to you to make a call. Everybody knows it’s “achievable”, but is using “caution” because it’s going to be really really close.

This is also an excellent point. I take back anything nasty I ever said about your posting… you’re frequently annoying, but you have your moments.

more good nate shit lmaooooooooooooooo

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So with provisionals we are now back to Biden in PA being the lock of the millennium after briefly being back in the sky is falling range this morning?


Latest GA SOS site update: Biden has cut into the deficit slightly, but it’s still 18,000+

Yeah, fuck the military.

Lol what is the Dem agenda




Yeah guys, not like we have a bonfire of maniacs getting more and more pissed with each day that goes by. JFC. How is this fucking allowed?

There are three categories:

Posted in the official total
Counted but not yet posted
Not yet counted

There are a lot of votes from Fulton County in the counted but not yet posted category, I think.

Your pony writes too much, tell her to just vulture the content.

Interesting. And presumably provisionals will be the last thing to drop, since they need to count all the mail ins before cross referencing the provisionals, right?

Actually, how did York County even count their provisionals - they’re still receiving mail in ballots in PA right? What if they counted a provisional and then the person’s ballot comes in the mail the next day?


Can the Gov of PA step in here? Can they even count 34k in a day? Then they take off all weekend? Fuck

I officially have no idea what’s going on. Earlier this morning Allegheny was reporting mail-in vote totals that pretty much equaled what they had reported receiving.

Now this. No idea what it means, if it’s a subset of the ones counted and reported, if it’s something else, etc:

The mail-in ballots that are left are the ones that need very special attention and that’s what they’re going to focus on Friday.

So last night, workers finished up shortly before 11 p.m. Wednesday and ended up getting through all the ballots they needed to scan and more.

In Allegheny County, Joe Biden is in the lead by about 19 points. That’s slightly better than Hillary did in 2016.

Around 313,000 mail-in ballots have been counted.

Another 35,000 still need to be manually examined, that includes the 29,000 incorrect ballots that went out in Allegheny County that were corrected.

The rest have other issues like incomplete ballots or ones that got damaged in the mail.

Holy shit I just realized the article says, “this is what they will focus on Friday”. IT’S 10AM ON THURSDAY!!

I’m getting really tired of these state elections officials playing hot potato with who is going to declare time of death on the second Donald Trump term. I get that it’s going to suck really hard for a while after being that person, but isn’t that why gofundme exists?

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