The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

It’s not necessary, it’s not even a sweat. There’s 100K left in Philly, that’ll be 85-90% Joe. There’s a bunch left in the suburbs around Philly that’s going to be 75-80% Joe.


I think the big takeaway here, beyond the Philly vote, is that there are a lot of votes remaining to be counted in Western PA. These are Trump leaning counties, but I recall seeing something yesterday that the Erie County vote by mail drops were heavily pro-Biden, so I expect that trend to stretch to all of the suburban Pittsburgh counties.

Ban this fucking stooge.

Those percent reporting numbers appear to be from places like NYT, which are not correct, based on PA SoS reporting of remaining mail in ballots.

Sounds like a drinking song! :notes:


Imagine to think you fight for every American when the popular vote suggest otherwise.

I’m curious if Trump just doesn’t understand how election law works or if he’s just yelling this shit to rile up his supporters and create unrest.

(why not both?)

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Haha you’re wrong and you probably still lose fucker.

It’s always a mortal lock that trump doesn’t understand how something works… So yeah both.


Yeah agreed, those are estimates. The % reporting is likely not accurate, and some of those might already be at 100%. The raw numbers are what’s useful to check when new votes are dropped.

Man, there’s a concerning amount of “the only good democrat is a dead democrat” type of posts I’m seeing on facebook. Some of them are getting deleted in real time but a lot are getting through.

I think if the result is a narrow biden victory, especially if it comes down to a nailbiter in PA, could result in some real violence.

Per my spreadsheet that is 99 new votes with Biden winning them 75/25. biden continuing to hit his target.

markets going absolutely nuts. this country jesus

If that 99 vote drop had gone against us and everyone panicked that would be the most this thread thing ever.

In other news I think we should make states drop all of their results all at once. This watch us count bullshit is not fun.

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Dream scenario. Biden as president means no more crazy uncertainty of the president ending the world through stupidity while divided congress means no regulation or oversight of businesses.


One thing that I am supremely confident about - there won’t be widespread violence. Isolated nuts sure, but that’s any Thursday in USA#1. It can’t be said enough that these people are cowards.


That’s been my take all along also. Hope we are right.


Not Stonks

Candidate Update 1 Update 2 Update 3 Update 4
Trump 3,218,645 3,224,104 3,224,130 3,224,408
Biden 3,071,780 3,088,402 3,088,475 3,088,737
Gap 146,865 135,702 135,655 135,671
Votes added 22,081 99 540
Change in Gap (11,163) (47) 16
Biden share of new 0.753 0.737 0.485