The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

So that was a 22k dump from somewhere that is roughly 3:1 Biden votes. So great news if that’s from some random red county, fair to middling news if it’s from some blue county.

So that’s where the set of Pee Wee’s Playhouse wound up


Good chart, can you add a column that shows how many votes were in each update?

Yup. I’ve been subjecting myself to copious amounts of FOX news in the last 2 days. If you want to get your pessimism back, that will do it.

I am still feeling Trump has got this. One way or another. Maybe I got too much of that FOX shit injected into my veins inadvertently.

I was about to add it’s like the feminine equivalent of Trumps’ terrible taste.

They 100% believe either they win or it was stolen. I really think that’s why no one wants to call it. There’s going to be violence when the announcement is made.

He really should be doing a speech every night with a keep calm, carry on, the votes will be counted message. Just letting Donnie Dumb Dumb and the derposhere run wild with unchallenged misinformation seems bad.


The Boomers and silents are just absurdly gaudy style wise.

We need a WitchitaDM supercut from Tuesday night.

Yeah, this is not the time for Hiden.

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I wonder if it will affect their participation in future elections if they think it’s all rigged anyway. Could be a small silver lining.

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It’s like living in park guell


Is he running a bordello out of it?


I was insanely hammered and have no idea what I was saying but I know I passed out on mega-WAAF mode so apologies for anything out of line lol.

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It would probably take some more complicated programming to scrape the updates for each county each time. We know when it’s Philly and not Philly. If Biden is taking 75% without Philly updates, it’s pretty darn good.

The counties where he’s going to take 60% or below are probably such low population that just looking at overall update and share of new vote dropped should be good enough.

Still think Biden has both, but good news is that he doesn’t need either thanks to the people in Hoover Dam country.

Calm down people



On the one hand it’s “These are razor thin” and on the other it’s “No need to sweat this, we’ve got it”.

And then there’s recounts and even the SC to consider with the possibility of sharpies being the new hanging chads. *


* ok hopefully not that

I think part of my nerves is I won’t feel comfortable unless Biden win’s Pennsylvania specifically by at least a few thousand votes.

A win by a few hundred votes in GA w/ R governor and R state legislator is not safe. IMO, they will let it stand if GA is a cherry on top state but going to pull out all the stops if it is a decisive state.

NV and ARI to get us to 270 to 268 has us all becoming experts on the electoral voter rules over the next month… I’d rather not…

So bring us home PA!