The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Carville is the most optimistic Democrat of all time.


So heā€™s the dumbest?


Thatā€™s not really true for Nate - he was a top baseball guy before this and IIRC he was like this as well back then.

Yes, it appears there was another non-philly drop somewhere. No idea how big, what the margins were, or whether or not it was Biden hitting his targets.

Yes, deficit has shrunk but so has # of ballots remaining.

Someone needs to make a spreadsheet of PA vote totals so whenever we get these random drops we can compare it to the previous totals and see if Biden is hitting his targets.

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Looks like Georgia SOS site just updated, but I donā€™t see a difference in the deficit (donā€™t know if the vote totals changed).

Biden needs to be in front of cameras today. Time to get your president-elect on, Mac


Sounds like a job for our correspondent from the GREAT* Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, @anon38180840


I thought about trying to capture each update to do that but my sanity is already in a precarious place right now!

Fuck It, Iā€™m in

I have something like that although itā€™s pretty disorganized. Hereā€™ the latest change:

Candidate Update 1 Update 2
Trump 3,218,645 3,224,104
Biden 3,071,780 3,088,402
Gap 146,865 135,702

Ok Iā€™m going to go through the big counties with vote left to count and make a list of their current counts so we can compare when votes are dropped. Will post something in a few minutes.

I decided to turn on some AM radio this morning to hear some sweet sweet tears and instead got:

-Trump on pace to win PA/NV/AZ/NC/GA and the presidency based on their analysis of what is left.
-Many of the fraudulent claims the president and his staff are making have legitimacy.

LOL Glenn Beck and all but I donā€™t think most MAGA cultists have realize they have lost yet.


Nevada needs to roll out a gigantic slot machine to reveal the votes.


No, really? Thatā€™s vile. Maybe heā€™s colour blind. Or maybe someone else chooses the decor.

So the takeaway now is that GA is more likely than PA or AZ?

IMO, just needs: 1) total votes counted (inc, 3rd party or other), and 2) the difference between last total vote and current total vote, so itā€™s easy to see what the gap closure is as a % of #2.

Iā€™m in full pessimism mode again, I dunno how some of you are so confident about PA or even Georgia


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