The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Other than unreliable reports on number of outstanding ballots that remain to be counted, no not really.


That’s the requirement or being a TV pundit.

Not materially IMO.

AZ - Maricopa numbers don’t look high enough to get Trump over but will be very very close.

PA - People are now realizing that there are far fewer outstanding ballots than people were saying last night, but likely still enough to put Biden over. Probably not by big margins though.

GA - possibly more ballots outstanding than thought last night. Biden’s got a real shot but will be crazy close.

I yearn for the old days where republicans at least sometimes tried to make it look like they weren’t playing calvinball everywhere.

CNN Ticker has Trump ahead in PA by about 135K, does that sound right?

I think this thread should be locked for an hour for a meditation, hydration, and personal hygiene break. This does not look healthy for some of y’all. I promise that when there’s anything approaching substantive news, you’ll hear about it.


Bad news: Carville on MSNBC talking about how it’s a done deal. :frowning:

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He should probably get that checked out.


Yes. That’s the current count. The hard part is figuring out how many ballots were included in the update every time the deficit decreases.

I am a pessimist and I think this has been over for over 24 hours now and haven’t been sweating it as hard. PA/AZ/NV will all go to Biden. NC will be super close but probably Trump and GA will be super close but probably Biden. Of course anything can happen but basically nothing about those results or the overall expectations of those results have changed in the last 24 hours and it is hard to see something happening now to change that.


It’s been a done deal since Wisconsin got called

Everyone calm done


Is Cunningham stone dead in NC?

I’m not worried at all. It was a shot at Carville.

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Cunnignham’s only out is lots of late mail-in ballots are found by USPS. To count in NC they have to arrive by the 12th.

GA is less than 19K difference, is that right? That’s definitely less than I went to bed.

I think it’s a situation where this is finally the one thing where they know more than anybody else and are the center of attention, so they are just soaking it all in.


NC - giant black hole of nothingness, similar to what one might find on a space walk. No counts expected from there ever again. It is possible that NC never really existed.