The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Looks like I am drawing live to having personally cast the deciding vote in the presidential election!


This was a big moment leading up to my divorce.


Starting to wish I had voted Biden instead of Jorgenson…


Someone tell Pennsylvania the fate of the free world hangs in the balance and to HURRY THE FUCK UP BEFORE I HAVE A GOD DAMN CORONARY EVENT



For those of you unfamiliar with Georgia, this is the laser light show at Stone Mountain, which features a giant carved memorial for the Confederate Army.


You think military votes favour Biden?

This is super strong for Biden, right? I’m a bowl deep here, help me out.

In fairness PA has said to not expect full results until Friday from the start. (and reminder this is due to last minute Republican law changes)

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Ok, well that is fantastic news if true.

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If it’s what he says, I love it.


Does the PA vote include mail-ins that arrived yesterday? Are they included in the vote outstanding? Going to be a big cluster if those actually do swing state to Biden.

Remember, votes received by tomorrow still count, but only if SCOUTS doesn’t change it’s mind.

Wasserman won’t say it :(


I don’t think anybody knows. I did see one thing yesterday that, as an example, 500 or so ballots came into Allegheny County yesterday. So the numbers are likely going to be small. If Biden can get a 20-25K+ lead, I think those late-arrivals will be irrelevant. (I’m pulling that number out of my ass…its could very well be way less than that to make late-arrivals irrelevant).

OK, I need my morning update.

Cliffs on AZ, GA, PA?

Nobody knows shit.


Kind of illustrates the cult around pollsters/analysts and them taking it straight to their heads. He is clearly embracing the power of everyone waiting on him to deliver a verdict on an election he/his organisation was way off on.

Has anything changed in the last 6 hours?

My COVID beard has thickened.


All these experts sure clam up and use increasingly wishy-washy language when their “insight” is being looked to the most.

Is there a requirement for admission into the pollster nerd club that you must be a smug, attention-seeking personality type? I really appreciate the info but Wasserman and Nate send my lawnmower into permanent orbit with their whole “above it all” tone.

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