The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Well than that would be good news because I can’t imagine biden losing even the e-day vote in a place like Philly but the problem is we use dont’ know what’s actually out there. WHAT THE FUCK. Like, seriously news organizations, FIGURE THIS SHIT OUT IT’S YOUR ONLY JOB RIGHT NOW.

Everyone in GA is a Republican don’t worry about it there.

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Right, mabye. But they don’t know shit either. Nobody knows the fucking denominator on this thing and how these journalists aren’t calling all the elections officials individually to figure that denominator out is fucking beyond me. It’s malpractice.

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This is a very good example of too much information. We don’t need moment by moment updates. Something like a massive count like this always has errors which are corrected as the process goes.

Showing us exactly how the sausage is made is not always a good thing.


I think so and posted the same above (5-10k Biden win?) but you know this shit a lot better than me.

You guys are making me nervous now

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I’m borderline freak out mode, but we do have good numerators and denominators for mail-in votes in most counties that matter. Philly reports mail-in votes cast, and they report mail-in votes tabulated. So anything on top of the remaining number would theoretically be ED vote, which is still very helpful.

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I’m pretty sure the final margin in Georgia is going ot be like plus or minus 1k for either candidate. I’m not seeing a 5k-10k win based upon the fact that these are not Atlanta absentees. They’re maybe from blue areas, but not Atlanta proper.

I’m not freaking out (yet). I’m fucking angry that the news media hasn’t figured out the one number that’s actually important that they can’t be bothered to get.

election day votes must be provisional? If its in the Philly not to worry will still be like 4:1 Joe.



Also now looking like that big 9 am drop we were promised from Philly was 21,000 votes. That’s it.

I agree, when you dig into things, it lays bare how poorly the media reports this stuff, even in a dumbed down version for the layperson. Shit, even the 538’s of the world are leaving a lot to be desired, IMO.

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WTF PA, the update was 21K votes. You fucking got us all worked up over 21K votes?

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Yeah this is good news so long as those E-day provisionals are not part of the 115k (probably now 94k after that drop this morning) number of supposedly mail in votes left in Philly.

Will shit I thought Biden was getting like 65 to 70 percent of the outstanding votes getting counted in GA?

yeah, this. At this rate Philly will finish counting next week.

We do know how many mail ballots are outstanding in Philly because the Philly county website says how many were received in total and how many have been counted. 538 has the right number (or at least it was right before this morning’s update). We don’t know how many election day ballots are outstanding as far as I can tell.

I think overall this is true. But that includes Atlanta. And I think Atlanta is done. I think Biden’s still maybe a slight favorite in Georgia, but it’s not a lock is all I was saying.

I’m pretty sure they are not. A number of PA counties have very explicit data on mail-ins received and counted. Nothing to do with ED votes or provisionals.

Philadelphia county has tabulated zero provisionals in their count.