The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

However, if that 20k from Philly was all that they could count last night of their like 100k+ estimated then it’s going to be days before PA is called.

Does this mean Biden wins by at least 5-10k?

I’m starting to wonder if Cuse’s 24-hour manic streak of back-patting might not age well.


It’s fine, everything’s fine.




Wait, what the fuck, this is huge news.


Trump’s lead there is only 18K and change. The incoming ballots heavily favour Biden. This would just lock GA up for Biden, right?


Election Day votes in Philadelphia is really fucking bad news if that’s part of the total outstanding.

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Oh fuck. What?

Does not lock. Depends how they break. Going to be really really close.

Hopefully the reason he was late into the office this morning is he was photocopying 25k ballots.


Give me this Wasserman’s job. I was saying 12 hours ago that when you extrapolate what they say is remaining in Philly, and you extrapolate it out, voter turnout doesn’t rise from 2016, which seems…odd.

With 50K ballots? Out of Atlanta?

Sigh. This whole “Remember when we said 25k? Oops! We found 25k more!” narrative is exactly what Donnie Dumb Dumb is looking for.


No, it’s not 50k votes out of Atlanta. It’s 50k statewide. Many from blue areas which is good, but not a lock. Like this election in Georgia is likely down to 1k votes either way. That’s not a lock in my book.

yeah… they can’t be as favorable for Biden as the mail-ins. If its extra votes on top of the mail-ins, maybe no difference?

I believe outstanding Election Day votes in Philly are in addition to what was previously understood to be outstanding for mail-ins. So it would only be helpful to Biden, even if the margin is lower than mail-in.

Biden took 70% of the Election Day vote reported thus far.

Again, I believe we know very precisely how many mail-in votes are left, due SoS reporting how many were received vs. how many are in the vote tabulation. Any number higher than that, if it includes ED vote, would be helpful, not detrimental, to Biden (in Philly). If it’s part of the overall, though, yes it would decrease the margin.

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Right, this not knowing what’s out there and what the fucking makeup is is fucking horrible.

who cares? it’s not evidence of any wrongdoing. avoiding his or his derps emotional discomfort is not a priority of this process. it’s a bonus outcome, if anything at all

It’s good if they’re extra. The FiveThirtyEight live blog said specifically 116k outstanding mail-ins from Philly (before anything got reported today). So hopefully he was being careful with his words.