The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Comparing to the NYT Philly numbers. Looks like about 21k ballots added in Philly. Biden +17k among them.

Iā€™m pretty sure total votes cast late last night in Philly were in the 580K range. This is now showing 582K. Doesnā€™t seem like much dropped.

I do wish some results sites had a ā€œlast countā€ column, so you could track updates. Because without it, itā€™s impossible unless you remembered or screen-shotted.

Edit: I see it now jumped to over 600K.

The site (official) has the 760k outstanding number, though that was an update from last night.

FYI the static Biden + trump total for Philly is 571,554. Going to compare that to the total off the philly site.

Iā€™m going to bet hard on them being wrong in the GOPs favor and feel pretty good about it.

Iā€™m nervous. This shit needs to get resolved fast. Every hour that passes is more fuel for the narrative that this was a close, contested, unclear election.


Between the 8:50 and 9:00 updates for Philly county, Biden shaved 16,400 votes off of Trumpā€™s lead


This is a close, contested, unclear election.


ITS 9:06 people

Weā€™ve been saying for a long time that if it comes down to PA itā€™s going go be a fucking circus. Well here we are!

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Yes. And it needs to become a clear, decided election.

If 21,000 votes were added, thatā€™s just 78% in Philadelphia County. Thatā€™s concerningā€¦he needs to blow it out of the water there. Heā€™s been doing 90%+ on Philly mail-ins.

Total philly votes on philly site for B+T now: 592,063, total previous: 571,554, difference: 20,509.

So those 20,509 broke down to: meh fuck it, nytimes refreshed in meth middle of my calculations. But Biden deficit now down to 146,865 from the 160something that NYtimes had previous, so nearly all of those 20,509 were for biden.

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It was 164 something, so roughly 18K of those 20,509 if your numbers are right. So up close to the 90% area.


Nah I think this was a good batch for him. He won like 19k out of 21k votes.


No, it looks like Biden took nearly all of those 21,000 votes that were just added.


Ya, looks like itā€™s in line with everything else. The initial rough calculations people were making had me worried.

I love this forum. We are frontrunning NYT for vote totals.


Yeah, that seems about right. 90 percent of Philly plus how heā€™s been running in the rest of the state should still be fine if weā€™ve really got close to half a million ballots left.

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PA will hopefully work out in the end, but man, the Philly County turnout is extremely disappointing. Lower than 2016 (as a %).