The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I have a spreadsheet calc setup so I can run any number they come up with quickly.

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PA is a bureaucratic nightmare and itā€™s always been a sweat.

Your pony needs a spiritual advisor.

I get it, and it appears as though super Trumpy and even heavy Trumpy districts are mostly done, and where they are not, they are low population.

Iā€™m just a little cheesed by how poor the analysis is from the guys whose literally lifeā€™s work is to do this shit:

ā€œSomething approachingā€? ā€œShould give?ā€

Dude, you know exactly where the 460K remain, and you can look up on the SoS site exactly what the Biden % was of mail ins so far in those. State-wide mail-in margin is irrelevant now.

Nevada at noon eastern afaik

I donā€™t have a pony - I donā€™t live in a developing nation.

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can someone just repost every meme, youtube, ticktock and tweet from the last 10 hours since theyā€™re all going to get ponied 3 and 4 times each anyways?

Nefarious things going on in WI, MI, and PA where Trump is ahead, but meanwhile in NV and AZ they are just counting the votes.


Think about that Biden is going to outperform Hilary by something approaching 12 million. Thats the good news. The challenge going forward is to keep that up while hopefully without Trump the other side has less enthusiasm.

People now understand that every vote counts.

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That works out to ~78% of the remaining mail-in, which is the number, coincidentally, that NYT shows for the mail-in thus far, but that number hasnā€™t changed in forever. Again, kudos to all those who are super confident Bidenā€™s getting 78%+ of the remaining mail-ins. With USA and democracy hanging in the balance, I wish I could be so relaxed about it.

Split it down the middle

Really just give them the South

I found out my mom voted for Trumpā€¦ sigh. I was trying to stay willfully ignorant, but my brother let it slip. I blame it more so on her lack of intelligence (Fox News watcher) than maliciousness. Still hurts to hear it confirmed though.


Decision desk has Biden deficit down to 153,187 in PA now.

BTW, and I mentioned it last night, if the Philly numbers are correct, they are on track for 61% turnout, 3 points lower than 2016. So we can ease up a little bit on them being one of the places saving democracy.

Itā€™s not. Everyone relax.

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CNN breaking news PA outstanding ballot numbers coming.

Harlan Hall heads to Philadelphia.

How it started:


How itā€™s going to end:



Itā€™s a minor sweat. I mean it was Biden 100% and now itā€™s not 100%. Itā€™s still a very high number, granted.