The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Surely you have odds comparison sites in US?! How do you survive otherwise?! I can’t imagine life without them and a high volume betting exchange (betfair).




That is like being the diet coach for one of the people who are so big they can’t leave the house.


@clovis8 @Jalfrezi

Bros, can you please READ before you waste my time? Both the Guardian and the LA times state clearly below their maps that they get their results from AP. If someone new calls it, you will hear about it here within 10 minutes of it happening.

Can’t leave is an understatement for this metaphor. They need to remove a wall and crane his ass into the back of a half ton pickup.

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Fair enough but this is hardly obvious. It’s not on the tweet and it’s not on the main LA Times page. It’s light grey text at the bottom of the main map page. Takes like 9 clicks to see this.

It takes one click and scrolling. Do better.


Lol fuck you.


So updating off of CNN for President and NYT for Senate

Here comes a runoff-yeah 50.0%. As long as Perdue ets less the 48% of outstanding we are heading to two Georgia smackdowns. Hopefully the D electorate realizes whats at stake and the Trumpers stay home crying about dear leader.

PA–Biden needs 61% of outstanding 775K
GA–Biden needs 55% of outstanding 202K

Maybe they are just trying to get Trump to stroke out by delaying this.


The news. 538 just reported there’s only like 25k ballots outstanding. Seems like not enough at this point.

I have higher expectations, UP


That one is

British site so all in Pounds but i use it for footie

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12 hours ago :

so Biden’s been batting above that in the interim. Good times.

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Where are you seeing 202k left in GA?

It’s really mind blowing states take time off from counting. There is zero defence for this when I assume they pay these people minimum wage. Have three rotating shifts for Christ’s sake.


Im just using the 96% of votes counted on CNN and NYT. I have no fucking clue.

I was too. The problem is those figures are in dispute, though at least we’re comparing apples to apples as I was on CNN too.

AJC reports 51k Absentee ballots remaining, to make up the 18,500 margin as of this morning.

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Yeah GA doesn’t look great if there are only 50k ballots left.

(bc only 10k in Fulton, unless I’m missing something)

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