The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

from the Daily Maverick in South Africa:


Yeah that’s more likely that somebody working for him swiping his phone.

88 for nazi

L for loseeerrr.

Those look more like B’s to me given the line on the left of the symbol

Anyway, I say they’re 8’s because the guy had a terrible tattoo artist.

Yeah nobody still in his inner circle has the balls to defy daddy nor gives a shit about the consequences of him going insane. They’re all loyalists willing to burn it all down to stay there.

Would greatly appreciate if SUB would stop posting completely incorrect math takes itt, thanks

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Curious about this. Aren’t the counties leaning left?

NC taking the rest of the week off or what?

FB anecdote from Ireland. Several people I know who until this year never showed any interest in politics/current affairs have started spouting pro-Trump nonsense. We don’t have any pro-Trump media, so I was wondering where it was all coming from. I don’t use FB but my gf recently showed me these guys’ FB stuff. Until March this year, their timeline is all sports and photos of their kids. Around April, some Covid conspiracy stuff starts appearing, then anti-Vaxx stuff. The past month it’s wall to wall Trump shit.
It’s very sobering to read scroll through someone you know’s FB and literally see them be radicalised to this crap.


I just woke up to 600 posts and…literally no news?!

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It seems like all the states are going biden

No one wants to be the tipping state

Waiting for PA to get done

Biden wins

AP calls in

Other states report after, for Biden.

LA Times and Bloomberg have Arizona for Biden on tweets within the last hour.

I assume they’re just copying sombody else. But who?

Probably the AP

Yeah. Just saw the source of Bloomberg in tiny gray letters and it was the AP

Still don’t know why that it hasn’t been called yet.

Maybe you’re right in the end, but if your lack of confidence has been based on the numbers and figures you’ve posted in this thread, please know that they’ve mostly been really really wrong.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1324304315117408257|twgr^share_3&

You can’t use those “96 percent remaining” type numbers. They’re totally useless this cycle. There are a lot less than 200k votes left. Biden needs to win what’s left huge, but he can, because htey’re mail-ins. This is still a nailbiter.

Fulton County updates due at 11am EST

How do you know there’s less?