The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

What do you mean with OFB?

He has no chance if Deutsche bank forecloses on him and NY state gets him for tax evasion, money laundering and fraud. It would destroy his strong man image with the deplorables.

So just some quick math. NYT estimates that 96% reporting in GA, which should be approximately 200k votes remaining. If Biden wins them 55/45, he nets 20k votes over Trump, which puts him ahead by about 1 to 2k votes. Is 55/45 reasonable based on whatā€™s out there?

Heā€™ll blame the libs and grift them to pay his debts.

Biden still hasnā€™t won yet? Wtf.

I hope these states pass laws to count the votes earlier for next election

Balance is returned to the universe

Iā€™m not so sure. They will say he was cheated, the outrage machine will run for 4 years. Not sure how anyone could be confident after what happened with this election. 70 million turned out for the fucking culture war dude.

One interesting thing will be, with the Republicans keeping the senate, will the supreme court be confident making horrible rulings that cause outrage? If so I think that makes us taking the senate in 2022 much more likely.

Open for Business. A lot of people want the economy back open, were worried by propaganda on facebook that Biden would do endless lockdowns.

If you look around America only a very percentage are taking covid very seriously, for the most part people are over it. They want to go to chilis again and bars and festivals etc. I know tons of people who took it seriously in the beginning who are just completely over it.

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Yeah, Trumpā€™s aura was all from the fact that he won as an underdog when everybody expected him to fail. It wasnā€™t that he just won. These losers have been told their losers by everyone (because they are losers) their whole lives. Trump is the against-all-odds victory by a white man that they all dreamt of.

Meh zero chance NY state is going to take him down for anything after 70 million voted for him imo. The backlash would be too great, dem leadership will disuade them of it because it would probably give Republicans a HUGE boost in midterms if dear leader went to jail.

Plus he was never going to jail anyways. Thinking Trump goes to jail is definitely sweat summer child

So there are like 120k uncounted absentees in philly that could be like 20:1 Biden votes so we have no idea if this is actually true in the final tally and the raw numbers are so much greater because of increased turnout that Biden could be behind Clinton percentage and still be more than on track.

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I think a huge thing this tells us too is facebook is EVERYTHING. Literally everyone in America is on FB, and its gotta be a huge part of why Trumps turnout was insane. Fox news + AM Radio could not account for that kind of turnout.

Facebook pumping out 24/7 disinformation, lies, viral memes containing both etc is a huge part of why that turnout was so great. And I think dems are way behind the game there. That said the good news is with us having the WH, hopefully we regulate some of that out.

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Kelly is running way ahead of Biden.


Stop using the general vote trackers theyā€™re inaccurate. Multiple media organizations interviewed the PA SOS. There were 765k absentee ballots still outstanding in PA last night when we got our last update of the numbers.

You can send Trump to jail so long as you can demonstrate his crimes, the trial will be theatre for everyone. Trump supporters will watch their deity because heā€™s on tv, are tvs allowed in court rooms in NY? Trump supporters will learn the obvious crimes of defrauding charities and while they wonā€™t believe it, it may cast enough doubt that their support of him isnā€™t so fervent

Not sure if this belongs here but ehā€¦(also Remix version below is WAAAAY better)


Vote-counting centre ā€œprotestā€, AZ


Did somebody steal Donnieā€™s mobile phone?

Youā€™d think that heā€™d be tweetstorming like thereā€™s no tomorrow over the results coming in.

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Skin tone checks out. Heā€™s safe.

Yeah this is insanely surprising to me. Only thing I can think of is his inner circle telling him he 100% lost so hes just feeling super dejected.

If he thought there was a chance heā€™d be going insane.