The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Very much this.

I’m not quite as confident as everyone else. Sure the odds are slim but Donald has been defying the odds since he announced his intent to run for POTUS

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Why is this woman still a thing, in defiance of all the rules of getting to be a thing?

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Hot take: Trump avoids conflict he can’t bulldoze with money and he doesn’t GAF about anything that doesn’t personally benefit him. He’ll leave the White House by Christmas and spend the rest of his Presidency rage tweeting from Mar-a-Lago. Not a peaceful transfer of power in the traditional sense but he will have taken his ball and gone home even earlier than most outgoing Presidents.

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Why is Arizona still outstanding with Biden so far ahead?

Trump’s odds of winning the presidency have to be hanging around the 5-10% range, right?

Are we still getting results at 3am?

I think everyone is asleep so I assume no?

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Jfc this shit is still going?

It’s going faster than we thought it would, because the legal threats and count stopping has been a dud.

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GA have a ton of results to release but can’t until someone in a suit (secretary of state) turns up for work apparently.

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Me: I want Steve Kornacki back on the TV to break this shit down for me

Mom: we have kornacki at home

Kornacki at home:


This guy a bullshitter? Everybody else has it going Biden.

Yes, his math is based on nothing but picking a percentage that works for him. Not the percentages seen in incoming votes.

Some of the recent counts there have gone Trumpwards, which I guess this guy’s capitalising on, er I mean extrapolating from.

STONKS are STONKing again today so Wall Street def thinks this is over

Yeah GA don’t want to be the tipping point state so they’re hoping AZ will be called before them lol. I expect if Biden wins GA, and AZ still not called for Biden, they try to delay results some more. Like well GA is so close we need a recount, and we feel releasing the number now would compromise the integrity of the recount or some shit.

Amazing Trumpers are protesting hard where Biden is ahead, and not where Trump is ahead but Biden is gaining fast. I fully underestimated their stupidity once again.

Honestly AP & Fox calling AZ for Biden saved us from a lot of insanity. That took the wind out of Trumps sails. He must have some inside people telling him AZ & NV are lost, otherwise he would absolutely be freaking out about AZ and stopping the count in PA. Maybe they know what the AP knows. I certainly trust the AP way more than the LOLNATES and twitter randos.


GA votes just added, down to 18k at 96%. Per NYT

Seems to be nearly all of Fulton done.


Based off of the turnout for Trump in this election, seems like he could do really well in 2024 assuming his health holds up. He will have lost some of his magic having lost.

Honestly who really knows how much covid and OFB played into the election. Maybe it helped him, maybe it helped Biden. But I would not be super confident in us beating Trump in 2024 all things considered. The outrage won’t be fresh, Americans have super short memories, and we will likely be coming off of 4 years of Biden getting absolutely nothing done because the senate unless we somehow win a solid majority in 2022 which is probably a dog at this point., economy in shambles, but having defeated covid? Probably be a toss up race or Trump a favorite. Would come down to if the dems actually finding an inspiring good candidate which lol.

Hopefully his health is shit and he isn’t interested in another run, just grifting.

Trump is a loser, his supporters are mostly big time losers who were able to feel what it’s like to win for the first time. Now that both are losers again his support wil dwindle quickly