The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

We have to win the vote first. After that win in the courts. Only then is it is a win.

Letā€™s just hope we donā€™t encounter Hanging Chads again.

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Pretty pathetic that dudes whole family endorsed his opponent and voters were like nah, weā€™re sticking with that Gosar guy.

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Weā€™re going to be ahead without the 11/3-11/6 arriving vote, they canā€™t do a thing about the rest of it. Even this SCOTUS is going to tell them to shove it. If it came down to the 11/3-11/6 arriving vote for the entire election, Iā€™d be nervous.

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Eloquently stated


CNN says it is 765k votes left in PA.

These guys as well

I put $5 to win $100 on AK, gonna be devastated if this doesnā€™t happen :p


Posted by one of the Mexican guys in my hiking group.

You really donā€™t need Spanish to get the message.


holy shit how did we miss this?


GLGL I thought about it, but I figured Iā€™d wait and see if it dips to like .02 on PI then hit it a bit. Could be a good opportunity to sell the shares for a profit when the vote starts coming in.

My mother is posting some bullshit about Michigan.

lol math you do as a Republican

Anyway, Iā€™m not counting my chickens about PA. They need to win the remaining votes around 2:1 to clinch it.

JFC seriously - nice find!

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That website I just linked says it is 763k and 120k in Philly.

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Philly hasnā€™t updated since 9pm est right? Weā€™re going to take a minimum of 80% of those, which nets us 72K. But thatā€™s super conservative. 90/10 is more likely, which nets us 96K.

Let me look at some of the others. I mean obviously weā€™re home off that.

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We didnā€™t miss it :joy: The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable - #7903 by freddbird


There are people in foreign countries who understand this shit better than I do.


Quoting because terrible USA Today clone site. But the map is pretty useful.

As Maricopa County released the results from about 76,000 more ballots on Wednesday night, President Donald Trump received almost the exact share he would need to charge back to win Arizonaā€™s 11 electoral votes and potentially reelection.

Trump won the batch of ballots from Maricopa Countycounted Wednesday ā€” likely early ballots sent to the county on Monday and Tuesday ā€” by a roughly 58-40 margin over former Vice President Joe Biden.

Those votes narrowed Bidenā€™s lead over Trump in Arizona to 79,000 votes, from more than 90,000.

Paul Bentz, a Republican pollster with the consulting firm HighGround, said Trump needs to win 57.6% of the 530,000 votes that The Arizona Republic estimates remain to be counted.

ā€œThatā€™s almost exactly what he got in the first batch,ā€ Bentz said. ā€œHe could do it.ā€

But the problem for Trump is that he needs to replicate that performance across all of the remaining 530,000 votes left to count in the state. And he needs to do it across all Arizonaā€™s 15 diverse counties, which include areas that are very blue: Pima, Coconino and Santa Cruz counties.

Trump needs to repeat that performance ā€œwith every single batch, with every single ballot, with every single day,ā€ Bentz said. ā€œThe first step in the long journey was a successful one in Trumpā€™s tightrope walk.ā€

The president also needs to maintain that vote margin through different batches of ballots that include those that arrived in the mail before Election Day, early ballots dropped off at the polls on Election Day, and provisional ballots that voters cast because they didnā€™t have the right form of identification or went to the wrong polling place.

Provisional votes tend to trend Democratic and there are a total of 36,000 provisional votes in Maricopa and Pima counties, about 18,000 in each.

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32K Montgomery, 42K Chester, 18K Delaware, 43K Bucks are all Philly suburbs. Theyā€™ll break hard for Biden. 46K Allegheny will too. 39K in Lehigh should be pretty strong as well.

Thatā€™s 220K that is going to be like 75/25 for us at worst. We net another 110K there. Weā€™ve been winning the mail-in even in rural counties, so weā€™re cruising.

As Iā€™ve been saying since Tuesday night :)

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11 counties have counted 0 mail ballots?