The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable


Rut Roh

So here’s where we stand:

Pennsylvania: The math is insurmountable for Trump.
Nevada: Ralston seems very confident, but he’s not calling it.
Arizona: AP standing by it, Trump needs to run at nearly 60-40 in very blue areas in mail-in vote, he’s not going to do it.
Georgia: Toss up, but we’ve got edge. Ossoff likely to make it to a runoff.
North Carolina: Depends how many ballots trickle in over the next several days. I’m sticking with 15%.


Read further.

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That was one of the more favorable blocks of votes for him in the Maricopa sample, though. We’ve also got some Pima county outstanding. We also don’t need Arizona.

“The president also needs to maintain that vote margin through different batches of ballots that include those that arrived in the mail before Election Day, early ballots dropped off at the polls on Election Day, and provisional ballots that voters cast because they didn’t have the right form of identification or went to the wrong polling place.”

i know right they buried the shit out of the lede

Dude on MSNBC seems massively confident about NV. Oh I guess that was Ralston?

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I WANT ARIZONA. I was born there. I grew up there. I went to school there. They owe me, damnit.


some of these people just about missed it

You’re gonna save the family orange grove and get your high school sweetheart back this Christmas dammit! And it will snow in Arizona for the first time in 88 years.

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Yeah, I read all that. Still sphincter is tightening.

AZ seems backwards. Maricopa (i.e., Phoenix Metro) is pro-Trump and we’re relying on the less urban counties to save us? Am I missing something here?

I’ve seen so many “Dad, Husband, Christian” bios on twitter in the last 48 hours that i will be burning my laptop for safety when this race is called.


You’re missing that late earlies broke for Trump. But it’s not clear if the rest of the outstanding Maricopa votes are of the same makeup. Insiders seem to think they’re not.

Why would late earlies skew Trump, in what’s presumably a blue area (i.e, large city)?

cuse doing math you do as a democrat?

I’m less confident now than when I went to sleep

Did you guys know Jeremy Duda is a history buff and a Simpsons fanatic?



Did you know Amy McGrath was a fighter pilot and a mom?

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Because Maricopa is suburban Phoenix. Same day voters broke 26 pts. for Trump. Biden leads early earlies by 6 or something. Late earlies are breaking for Trump. Question is how much.