The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Nap time. See you all soon.


Based on current numbers, there is no way Biden wins and Purdue still above 50%.


Weā€™re drawing live to Biden offering a full federal pardon if Trump concedes, arenā€™t we? Maybe even throw in NY AG dropping any investigations.


just pull a page out of the trump playbook and offer all of that and itā€™s all a lie


cnn says again that there are 765k left mail in ballots in PA

120k left in philly


Transition team HQ needs to be Atlanta. Barack Obama, congrats, you live in Atlanta for the next two months. Michelle Obama, I know you arenā€™t looking for the limelight but we need you to do the same. Bill Clinton, come on down, you old son of a bitch, I donā€™t love you but we need you.

Taylor Swift, you too. AOC, there are worse places to spend December. Stacey Abrams, you can sleep in January. Andrew Gillum, what are you up to these days? Doesnā€™t matter, step right up, come one come all.

We need to sweep two special elections, all hands on deck, break glass in case of emergency.


isnā€™t Trump just going to pardon himself?

Not sure Andrew Gillum is who you want these days.


Did I miss something?

many legal scholars agree, he checked

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I think he has drug issues? I canā€™t remember exactly but something about him being busted at a party with drugs. Or maybe Iā€™m just falling for right wing nonsense.

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Whoa, crazy. Did not see that coming.

so are they counting in AZ or not? I have investigated this Mountain Time they speak of and 10:30 PM has already occurred.

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yea drug issue, got caught wiith drugs, also with another man in the room if i remember correctly, not that i have a problem with that

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Even worse in the right wing gaze, heā€™s gay. Andrew Gillumā€™s complicated, reluctant coming out story.

Edit: I guess bi according to the article. I misremembered.

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feel bad for the guy

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Iā€™m not sure weā€™ve said it enough here, but I swear to God, Stacey Abrams is a damned hero. Yeah, we wanted her to run for senate, but her Fair Fight voting rights/registration stuff is a CH away from delivering fucking Georgia. Georgia!!


I mean, if the GOP wants to attack Ossoff/Warnock for a surrogate being gay, my first thought is that Iā€™m pretty happy if they want to swing at that pitch.

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Not gonna lie that party sounds dope as fuck.

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