The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

69 million trump supporters in this country on nov 3 2020. so sad



the whole day throughā€¦ just an old sweet song, Georgia on my mind!

Yeah, listen, this was true a month ago, itā€™s true a couple months from now regardless of what happens, but she needs to basically pick off the menu for a cabinet post (within reason). Itā€™s good politics, itā€™s well deserved, and if she can deliver results like this in Georgia sheā€™s going to do a damn good job at whatever you give her.


Whatā€™s hilarious is there is literally nothing the GOP can attack either guy on. Nothing. They have no political record. The ads down here have been ridiculous. All the ones against Ossoff were about his ā€œradical liberal agendaā€ (heā€™s pretty moderate) and something about getting money from China? It was probably to fund a documentary he made or something. Of course, it was from the ā€œsame Chinese government that gave us COVID.ā€

There were no attack ads against Warnock because Collins and Loeffler went after each other. Maybe he has some shit in his background, but from a distance, he seems pretty squeaky clean.


Iā€™m definitely feeling worse than I was 5 hours ago. I still donā€™t see any cause for optimism.

If anyone wants to take my free money, here are some bets for you:

Trump wins GA, I win $50, Biden wins GA I pay you $100
Trump wins PA, I win $50, Biden wins PA I pay you $50

Winner of state means all electoral votes of that states are awarded to the stated candidate. Faithless elector or anything other than all electors going Biden or Trump is a push.

Payment via paypal.

Quote to book.

Offer good for 90 min from this posting or if I rescind it by post in this thread, whichever comes first.

The battle for the soul of the nation doesnā€™t end tonight, itā€™s going to go on for a decade or so. If we keep fighting it as hard as we have this year, we will not be denied victory.


Just dropping this here for an Indonesia shout out:

ETA: Indonesia, population 269 million, turnout 81.93%.


GL. Iā€™ve never wanted $50 less.


so ossof has no chance, right? down 120k in GA

Book both.

Add me to the list of people making the same mistake. Those three seconds were painful.

His chance is getting to a runoff, not outright winning here


If he can close the gap ever so slightly and get Perdue down under 50% (heā€™s at 50.10% according to an update above), then they will go to a runoff. I donā€™t expect him to win, but he would certainly have a chance. But no, he canā€™t win tonight/tomorrow. His shot is to get to a runoff.


PA already taken by @LikeClockwork
You can have GA.

GL. Iā€™d love nothing more than to pay you off.

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This thread is too quiet

cā€™monnnnnnnn kanye

GA booked my $50 vs your $100.

by 3am, i assume thats 3am eastern.