The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Just win PA and end this shit


I feel like the Q crowd is on the fritz. WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO FOX NEWS SUCKS FOX NEWS SUCKS!

cool graphic.


Whatā€™s the plan for these morons in AZ? Storm the building and count the votes themselves?

I know some here are worried about violence and yea itā€™s possible. But these MAGA dopes think like Trump does. No strategy, all over-reaction.

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Fucking anti-feudal democrats

Iā€™m half asleep, canā€™t tell if serious.

stop the counting of votes in AZ so trump wins is their plan

this is what weā€™re up against


Yea I get that but Trump is behind in AZ LOL.

Yea, super lol at doing this in AZ instead of PA


Like Iā€™m still groggy and waking up here from a way too short nap after being up 54 of 58 hours, but do I have this about right?

  1. Trump suing to stop the count in MIā€¦ where heā€™s behind. Umm, ok.

  2. Crowd protesting in Maricopa to stop the countā€¦ where Trump is behind. Umm, ok.

  3. Nothing significant happening as far as demonstrations in Georgiaā€¦ where Trump is actually ahead and they should want to stop the count. Umm, ok.

  4. Nothing significant as far as demonstrations in PAā€¦ where Trump is actually ahead and they should want tos top the count. Ummm, ok.

Like theyā€™re just mashing buttons and hitting all the wrong ones, right?


CNN just said 20k more absentee ballots in fullton (3k already counted) which just returned 80% for Biden.

and then 70k more across the state. (90k total)

so 20k x .6 = +12,000

~Trump + 20k with 70k votes left

If Biden wins those 2 to 1, he should win by ~1,000 votes?


Yeah that was the star in the middle of all the bingo cards.

Itā€™s going to be 2000 Florida close. Madness.

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It just dropped for those 3k votesā€¦

28k left in GA

Trumpā€™s team is so dumb that if Biden wins Georgia, Penn, Arizona, and Nevada, they will waste money on a recount in Georgia.


theyā€™re not paying

The gop should spend it honestly just for the Senate ramifications