The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

The finale is a big group hug with DiFi, Lindsey and Mitch.

Ok. I watched it. Iā€™m not sure why if itā€™s not for 0:31. Woah, that keeps happening. But then the main thing gets pretty good too.

At least our side isnā€™t the only one lighting money on fire and flushing it down the toilet in a fire vs water contest.

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the people outside maricopa counting office were singing YMCA

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This guy thinks next Maricopa batch will look like the first. But the remaining votes will be better for Biden. Not sure you can extrapolate the last week of drop offs to the last day, but it seems hopeful.

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Felt super weird to catch back up, like after napping I felt like I had ceded control over the situation which was absurd obviously as I have no control, but it was disconcerting to wake up and not know exactly what had happened the last hour or so.

So it looks like Maricopa dump in 15-45 mins?

Atlanta finishing by 3am but Georgia Sec of State gonna try to shine up the tally, rig it up real good, and stick it straight up our freedom loving ass?

PA just chugging along en route to inevitability?

Good luck @TheDuker


MSNBC reporter saying 17,000 ballots remaining in Fulton (keep in mind we havenā€™t had a vote update in over an hour, so the next dump will be sizeable).

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they should switch outfits with the cops to fool the protestors


I hope all the ballots are secure.

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Oh cool, terrorism


I hope they donā€™t fuck around. Protect their identities too, no joke.

i love that when a target gets busted into there are immediately 200 police with riot shields and a tank but this is happening and iā€™m seeing like 12 cops in tshirts


Oh cool, not terrorismā€¦ question mark?

not sure why they havenā€™t been told its an unlawful protest, tear gassed, beaten yet?


Damn it I told you guys I didnā€™t trust these states to have enough security in place. How complicated was it to have the National Guard ready to step in?

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But, like, the jokeā€™s on them, right? Weā€™re ahead in AZ, Trump needs all the votes counted, if the MAGA crowd wants to shut down the count, uhhh ok?


theyā€™re standing by until trump tells them the most recent voting results are fake and the storm is here so bust in and burn the votes now