The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I do not trust those % completed numbers.

Allegheny County has said they are DONE counting mail ins. As of 10:45pm. NYT shows the correct county vote total but says only 89% has been counted. I don’t see how there’s 11% left anywhere. They should be at 99%.

I’m getting very concerned that something’s not right with the extrapolations of remaining vote and Biden share that people are using to assume a Biden victory, and I haven’t seen an expert explain the numbers behind their projections.

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You’re selling yourself short


That’s very true. He absolutely did a deal with the dixiecrats that explicitly excluded farm workers and domestic help from basically everything.

Meanwhile I want to use helping poor whites as a stealth move to pass programs that disproportionately help African Americans.

Pennsylvania is shaping up to be the slickest slow roll of all time


Thanks for clarifying the issues that I posted about after you posted this.

It makes sense now, why the last 27% is taking ten times as long as original 73%

Keep it up. But if it gets super dicey,… ah forget it


I think Rigging the paper votes is really really hard. You have multiple observers from both sides. The only riggage I really worry about is the electronic tally machines.

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Do you feel like you’d be winning if you could have gotten the DCCC to fund a PI?

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I trust Nate to sound the alarm if anything looks bad.

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House should pass UBI. $1k/month for all 18+ in the US. Tax the 1% and corporations to pay for it. No way it passes the Senate. Then rail on the GOP for not caring about the working class


Yup it’s this. They want to fight someone for what is happening to them. Trump channeled their anger for a time… I think that’s the key thing. You need to tell them about who they are that the connect with. Do that and they eat of your hand.

trump supporters yelling to stop the steal aka stop counting votes in nevada where biden is leading

reminder when you don’t vote–those people did



Just an aside, on that meme generator site it has a chat sidebar for some reason, and it was Biden supporters mercilessly dragging trump supporters.


Don’t see how Arizona possibly flips, outstanding votes would have to be way more favorable for Trump than anything else so far has indicated from what I can tell. Thanks
@TheDuker for working those polls!


Well, to me it looks bad when everyone is saying “don’t worry…lots left in Allegheny”, when in fact there is zero left in Allegheny. And there is absolutely not 30% left in Philly. It may still be enough but I think it’s going to be very very close. This doesn’t look like Michigan to me.

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Basically every county in PA that has finished it’s results including mail-ins, Biden is running way ahead of Clinton, per Wasserman who’s been keeping track. His smallest improvements have been 4 points. Many have been larger:

I don’t see how he doesn’t win PA.


What you’re failing to take into account is that all the outstanding ballots are heavily biden, not just the ones from the urban areas. Even the mail in ballots from the bright red areas are advantage Biden. He’s running ahead of what he needs everywhere. Trump voters just didn’t vote by mail, basically anywhere. Which makes sense, right?


MSNBC Atlanta reporter saying there are 21,000 ballots remaining in Fulton County. About 90,000 left in Georgia (sounds like that includes Fulton).

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go to bed bruh for your sake and ours lol

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That’s no where near enough outstanding, right?