The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Bidens only down like 32K, seems like enough to be super close at very least

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Sure it is enough. IF Biden wins it slightly better than 2:1 he wins. Iā€™m not saying he will, but itā€™s mail and thatā€™s how heā€™s been running with the mail so far. A little better than that actually. Again, you canā€™t underestimate how fucking well Bidenā€™s been doing everywhere with mail.


If not winning, then closer for sure.

Itā€™s really hard to counter $1.8M worth of attack ads in the final 10 days before the election if you donā€™t have enough money to run ads in the same markets. The vast majority of these idiots still watch TV and get their info from fucking KUSI (ā€œindependentā€ local station, meaning conservative).

Iā€™ll tell you what worked, and itā€™s probably true everywhere else, too. The ā€œsocialistā€ attack was an absolute stone cold killer. Every single ā€œfuck no, iā€™d never vote for a socialistā€ response we got drove it home. And this response increased in the final days, directly correlated with the ads Issa ran calling Ammar a socialist.

Of course, they are also fucking incoherently stupid, since those same ads lumped him with Bernie, AOC, and Pelosiā€¦so we also heard ā€œAmmar is a Pelosi puppet!ā€, probably second only to the socialism thing. (Which is hilarious because Pelosi hates Ammar and he said he wouldnā€™t vote for her for speaker)

I donā€™t know how to counter this idiotic socialism claim, all I know is that the republicans landed on a messaging winner.

I canā€™t read. Totally missed the 90k and thought it was only 21k in the state.


I understand that. And that Philly is 90%. And perhaps 63% Biden of the remaining 700K of a couple hours ago is obvious, even if it includes a bunch of red counties along with Philly.

It just didnā€™t strike me as slam dunk considering so many people are looking at incorrect trackers. I hope Iā€™m getting riled up over nothing.

Sorry to panic.

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If we assume Biden needs 32,000 votes and there are 90,000 outstanding, he needs 64.44% (repeating, of course).

EDIT: The gap could be smaller right now and just not reported yet. EXCITING

EDIT 2: It basically all depends on where the votes are coming from. Itā€™s going to be crazy close either way and possibly a recount either way.


Thanks. I was using the wrong outstanding #

you do that by running a socialist.

(not trying to take anything away, very thankful for your efforts and work on this election)

So GA and PA are counting through the night right?

Very close. 2:1 seems possible. Especially if some Fulton is in the mix along with adjacent counties.

lmao cnn showing trump supporters demanding stop the steal in arizona


GA is for sure. The lady there from msnbc said they might have results by 3am.


santorum seriously thinks trump will concede the election when itā€™s lost instead of becoming a cult leader to these morons

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That kills me, but that is why I am trusting foxs call 24 hours ago.

They would have been under siege from the moment they started floating it internally. They literally work in a hostile environment and have a buck stops here final boss who is going to be ridiculously skeptical.

Then when they announce the heat on them flames up as the White House is now putting more pressure on them directly.

Now we have cult 45 members shouting down the entire organization because of your work.

There is no prize for making a call, learning you made a mistake and not rectifying it.

I think neither Fox nor AP has been able to find a problem with their calculations, and I am sure they have invested a lot of time into it.

I could be wrong but even if I am, I am still more right than the nates, the poles, the needles, and the rest of it.

I think itā€™s funny that Casey is recording this kind of video to try and explain things.


not here.

Imagine the districts in the middle of west Texas. Thatā€™s like the 50th.

The ā€œsocialistā€ candidate in the primary got fewer than 1000 votes.

If thatā€™s the case then itā€™s not only 70% like CNN and others are saying