The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

So mount a clear, relentless media campaign explaining to the people of Georgia what the Dems with both houses can give the nation.

Offer them stimulus, health care, green jobs. Biden should be guaranteeing big things without even asking the senators, just put them in a bind. Make it a national referendum and actually offer the people something. And go ham on getting out the vote.


I get it, Iā€™m just getting nervous even though I know PA looks very good. FYI, per the SoS website, Biden has won 93% of Philadelphia mail-in votes.

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Would 180,000 ballots fit in a standard cooler?

Math nerds, go!


Has it been determined that WaPo is not a good resource for election updates? Bc this Georgia page stinks.

I understood Trolly as making the exact opposite point.

I just canā€™t take another night of this. Gonna go to bed shortly, same as last night, and hope for a good 2:30 am wakeup doomscroll again.

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I donā€™t see why we canā€™t have all of those things at the same time

Uh king actually sucks. His back up is literally 100x better and digs into where the votes are and where future votes are coming from.

I want to put king in the pit with nates, the polls, the needle and the rest.

Seriously we have to get the poor whites back. This situation where we have the poor people of different races voting for different candidates is really bad for getting anything done about income inequality (or cops ldo). I know you know all of this and then some, but it really bugs me when the Dems respond to something about the electorate changing in a defensive way. Theyā€™d try to keep rich black people over attacking poor white people and trying to turn the poor into a larger cohesive voting block. And the poor in this situation is the entire bottom 60% of the pyramid.

Iā€™ve known a lot of poor whites in my time. Nobody ever liked the pigs who wasnā€™t hoping to be one some day.

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Weā€™re never getting poor whites back.

The way to get poor whites is, wait for it, JUST GIVE THEM FUCKING MONEY. Even Donald fucking Trump understands this. Or, if you want to get really crazy, free health care.


Trump lead in Georgia down to 32,990!

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So, hereā€™s another question for you poll watchers.

I remember after 2016, everyone said ā€œLOL pollsā€. In response, we got a ā€œWell actually, the polls werenā€™t that far off, and while Trump was a dog, Trump win wasnā€™t that much of a long shotā€

Now weā€™re saying the polls are even more off than 2020?

Lol this is torture.

3 days ago: 107/69 resting rate 59

right now: 129/90/93


I think Biden is more likely to win Georgia than AZ at this point. And I think heā€™s still winning AZ.


We definitely have to give them something real first. They have absolutely no reason to trust us. We shipped a lot of their jobs overseas and told them it was good for them because socks were cheaper at Walmart than they used to be at Bradā€™s or whatever downmarket chain they used to buy clothes fromā€¦ which used to have commissioned salespeople and also went out of business.

Weā€™ve been squeezing these people as a society for a really long time. Iā€™m not saying that they arenā€™t totally wrong, Iā€™m saying that they are people who can be communicated with. And if we canā€™t get them their kids are still very much in play.

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This site shows how many mail in ballots were returned in PA by county: Pennsylvania Early Voting Statistics
346k in Philadelphia county alone
Donā€™t know how many of those have been counted, but this seems to jibe with the idea that there would be a lot of ballots to count in Philly

Canā€™t sleep obviously. AP tweeted their AZ explanation again at like 7:20 pm. Theyā€™re not backing down.


I would have hoped even the most die hard racist poor person would have enough sense to vote dem if they brought in free health care. Particularly if you have kids.