The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

trump campaign isn’t happy with PA

if FL is silent in the afternoon R on twitter gonna backtrack hard

TX hopes irrationally high


The campaign might have information through their hundreds of staff on the ground that is not available to anyone else.

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Lol just straight up lying from the first to last second.

Insists at the end elections have always been decided ON ELECTION DAY and democrats are evil to try and delay the count.

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Not talking about the vapes themselves. Talking about the colors and packaging. It won’t be tolerated long term.


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Trump turning Texas Blue would be the perfect fucking ending to this terror of a four year period.


I really need a forecast that reacts to all these election day tweets and anecdotes about turnout and shook campaigns. Could be a lot of fun.

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I’m getting my hopes irrationally high for blue Texas (and Julie Oliver for TX-25)


That and Lyndsay losing his own seat after himself predicting that Dump would destroy the party.


He lost a ban/exile bet on the 2016 election. Can’t remember which 22 deplorable he lost to though.

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United Center open for business.


I’m trying to stay even but basically having perceptible emotional swings based on the tiniest pieces of information. Feeling great atm, awaiting the next downswong


I guess CUSE was not racing the trump ground team to doors?

I thought we were previously meant to believe trump had a massive ground game in PA. Am I misremembering?

Anyways one HUGE factor none of us accounted for today is the “Trump campaign stuff is full of idiots who will inevitably screw stuff up” factor. We got the potential destroy ballots and shenanigans factor, but we did not account for the opposite all encompassing incompetency of everyone trump hires factor.


Isn’t Rubin part of LP? Silent partner maybe?

shipped her some more $$$, as well as dr. cameron webb. really trying to delude myself into thinking it’s soros-level politics.

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Dems are winning the cities and the suburbs. If this were 1918 and we had this kind of turnout with the current demographic shifts, then Trump would be winning right now. But there just aint that many farmers out there anymore.

Silly guy, I don’t even know if blue apron is still sponsoring podcasts.


Biden: “President Trump will not steal this election.”

Trump Campaign Manager, directly in response to that single quote: “It is so unfortunate that the American people have to listen to Joe Biden tell lies.”

Just amazing.


Nah it’s all about Manscape

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