The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

TX is my only state position right now that isn’t for hedging purposes, probably gonna lose, but +310 is nice odds.

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He might be thinking of Domer.


Man maybe but I could have sworn Adanthar was a different dude and he definitely came around afterwards. This guy pulled a Keyser Sose after that night. Crap I’ll go look.

Just woke up, anything big happen in the last 400 posts or so?

Nah not him I know him^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1323708230913216514|twgr^share_3&

Biden has won and lost the election a few times.


I was one of those that put some big chips in the middle on Hillary. I’m sitting this one out because I don’t need to deal with the emotional downside.

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See now how can Trump’s people be apprehensive when Nate is saying we can’t know squat right now? What gives?

omg this would be the best season finale. actively considering using my onetime on this.

Shea is awesome and his book business is pretty cool. He has rabid fans.

And when I say awesome, I mean as a human being.

No real opinion on his writing.

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And of course Jennifer Rubin doesn’t want to move on from the Trump era if Trump loses. This sentiment will pervade media because their livelihood depends on it. Trumps great for the Washington Post, the NYT, MSNBC, CNN. They would die very fast if they just covered what the Democratic president, house and senate are doing. So get ready for four more years of the media breathlessly covering former president Trump. It’s that or go sell insurance or something.

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Also I never got anything close to the odds on Hillary as you can get on Biden. It does seem like an incredible betting opportunity.

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He was always my least favorite ringer writer but his book on movies was fine (great illustrations) and I’m snap buying his next book now

Thought LG got banned.