The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I remember a poster, who had their own model, which showed Clinton with like 99 percent to win. But then a few days before the election teh poster realized they forgot to turn back on some variable that controlled for something and the true results would have been lower. Was it that person?

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no this was goofball


yep remember that one

right thread this time


My interpretation was that the Trump operations staff (I.e. these sourcesā€™ co-workers), who are supposed to organize giving Trump voters last minute assistance/encouragement to get to the polls, are doing a shitty job/suck at their job.

Probably the same folks who kept leaving Trumpkins stranded at rallies.

See 1000 posts earlier ITT about how fascist wannabes are incompetent.

Actual impact is probably minimal but Iā€™ll take it.


Donā€™t know if sheā€™s officially part of the LP but sheā€™s obviously aligned with them. Sheā€™s a neocon just like all those clowns.

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Possibly. Iā€™m not going to remember without going back to look Iā€™m afraid. Too much booze that night (and since) unfortunately.

Loud ass mother effing silent majority.

Oh you probably right on that one

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Given how fast the population is growing in Texas from people moving there, if Texas goes blue, itā€™s going to be like Virginia. Red swinging to blue, purple, and then blue and gone. Weā€™re probably losing the midwest longterm but having a lock on California, Texas, and NY is going to make up for that.


Man, this guy looks REKT


Stop saying good things about Texas I canā€™t take it.

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You have to be careful though - Brexit appeared to be a win for Remain and Farage even conceded defeat, until several hours later.

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Yup, same here.


I did it for the video. :)

maria going full-on jeanine is a major turnoff.

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I remember Kerry being up early. Too soon to have hope.

I mean, we cnaā€™t know squat. Campaigns can know if their turnout operations (helping people get to the polls, etc), arenā€™t working very well.