The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Nate chose his job. Nobody forced him to aggregate polls and then pontificate on his findings. Sure the polls are to blame.

Obviously all polls should be moved to F- rating. Also I find it a bit problematic that Nate puts a grade level on the ABC/WAPO Poll. I know the grade is needed for weight, and theoretically leaving it off would skew results (lol results are effed as is). Just strikes me as bad form a guy who professionally grades polls is grading the poll by his own company, especially since it is an A+.

Needles should be banned, Nates should be banned, numbers between 537 and 539 should be banned, papers of records should be banned, houses for cartoon mouses should be banned.


I wonder how many of the 122k ballots are left.

I donā€™t know what will happen in AZ but people seem to be assuming Maricopa county is homogenous? Itā€™s not. Damn it, I thought it was in the bag.

Relax dudes


I hate Nate t-shirts would do well now.

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Look, maybe the AP blew their first state ever on AZ, but PA still seems extremely good, weā€™re live in GA, weā€™re a strong favorite in NV. Last I saw in PA Joe was closing like a fucking triple crown winning racehorse and Philly hadnā€™t all come in yet.

Sins 4 Ye Disagree.

PA has been trickling in every 20-25 minutes. No huge drops though. Philly has been in the same spot for many hours though.


If all 400k votes are late early voters - or if the first 75k batch was represented of the other 325k - itā€™s going to be close. If there are more late absentees mixed in that will help. Everything else has been counted.

Oh also why the fuck are there 400k Maricopa uncounted early votes?

Philly held overnight and dumped some this morning. Maybe theyā€™re just going to do once a day?

I would really rather not go into the night with Trump in the lead in PA.

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They came in Sat thru Mon OR were dropped off in person on election day.

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I guess counters donā€™t work Sat and Sun. If they actually did it strategically to make Trump look behind so he couldnā€™t as easily claim stop the vote in PA - chefs kiss.

Donā€™t have an acct there right now? Is 65 really better with the obscene rake?

Sure. Whatā€™s your max?

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Me neither. But the trends are still very good.

30% of the vote still left to count just in the county Philly is in. That alone likely gives us PA. And thereā€™s a lot more of PA left than just that. Iā€™m not too worried about passing 270.


Letā€™s pray theyā€™re counting the Sat-Mon first and absentee dropoffs last.

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