The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Holy fuck the swongs in this thread.

Yeah thatā€™s probably why he meant and itā€™s in line with criticism he has had of polls in the past

The data I based that on was wrong. But itā€™s still not over.

This election is going to kill me.

I mean I was at 99% Biden and Iā€™m down to like 97% now and I feel like absolute dogshit.

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Paging @anon38180840. @anon38180840 please report to the thread.

Math they do to make themselves feel better.

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Dunno what that is.

Imagine if you could just teleport into the White House with a tablet. ā€œMr. President, we have an update on your chances in Arizona.ā€

Then show him that and watch the meltdown.

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Just goes to show that direct democracy needs to happen wayyyyy more!

i think she meant olā€™ dirty wayne

Wait what

Itā€™s like being up 6-2 in the 9th with one out, but your closer has walked two guys.

I do NOT have almost an entire degree in lying with numbers. You take that back.

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Seems similar - cult-like self-help thing. Iā€™ve had friends get into it. I met a bunch of them once - total non-blinkers.

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PredictIt. I had a lot down last night, then in the wee hours I rolled over my popular vote, house, pop vote margin bets I won into WI, MI, PA, etc when I was like supremely confident in them.

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This is amazing and in hindsight should have been expected. Every drop of projection the right has been throwing at Dems over refusing to accept the election will now become their reality.

Oregon had 2 votes, one decriminalized ~all drugs, the other:

So that doesnā€™t sound like the weed store will be selling shrooms, but itā€™s more than decriminalization.


Sure, some people lie, but thereā€™s no reason to think more people lie in one direction that the other