The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Had he made any public statements? Any significant tweets?

Can also be used to describe the social experiment that is the US of A

Sad, but I cannot decide whether or not this is sadder than well over 60k able-bodied-and-otherwise-able-to-vote Americans choosing not toā€¦every election (but especially this one).


ā€œAmericans may never again accept the results of a presidential election.ā€

Iā€™m done, I canā€™t do this. Fox was fun before the bow tie started, but the aggravation levels arenā€™t worth it.

Heā€™s been whining like a little bitch in his tweets. Itā€™s really a fun thing to watch. Check out his presidency thread.

Yea I donā€™t think it gets called tonight cuse, PA and GA not moving fast enough. Nevada not till tmw

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As others have said already Iā€™m sure, they got what they wanted out of Trump. Which is depressing for us but still funny when they throw him overboard.


If Nate were a Sabrmetrician (and he was) he would have dismissed Bauerā€™s accusations of Trashtros cheating as fear porn, insisted the Stros were just running hot, and that the models explain all of it perfectly.


Are there cliff notes on the lawsuits? Like why do they want to stop the count (itā€™s not even a recount, the first count) in GA/NC/PA but they donā€™t want to stop the count in NV/AZ? I mean I know the real answer, just curious what baloney they cooked up here.

The biggie:

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Democrats getting Kanye kicked off the ballot in WI may have saved the state, and definitely saved a ton of sphincter tightening.



Am I crazy? Iā€™m reading that tweet as ā€˜polls will be ā€˜rightā€™ on a ton of states, but the margin was way off and thatā€™s a better measurementā€™

But is it good though? I mean it gives an option to gerrymander the Presidential election based on even more random requirement (not even your state, but your district).

When itā€™s only on specific states itā€™s even worse from a ā€œDemocraticā€ viewpoint.

You should get rid of the EC, not further curve up your country.

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But saying that and then summing it up as the polls in aggregate ā€œmediocreā€ instead of ā€œbadā€ is real bad. The margins were really bad!

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Thatā€™s great to hear


Funny you say that, Iā€™m watching Tucker right now. FFS man, that guy is deplorable. Anyway, Tucker is going hard in the paint casting doubt on the legitimacy of the whole thing.

Interestingly, his guest is (?Victor Hanson, whoever the fuck that is), is spewing some absurd logic, but one of his points was that ā€œDems want Trump to concede. He shouldnā€™t do that. We need to wait for all the votes to be counted.ā€

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Fox News dude on Tucker really digging deep for scenarios for trump

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Lots of Strange things in Michigan tonight guys per Tucker, poll watchers not being allowed to watch!

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As euphoric as Iā€™d feel with Fox calling it during Hannity or Ingraham, I am okay with my one time being a waste if the gods would like to call it for Biden during Tuckerā€™s show