The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Poor tuff_fish, nobody ever told him to try, “I hereby claim this pot.”


Trump’s lead at 44,250 in GA.

Perdue at 50.27%.

(that’s from GA’s site; NYT has the lead at 46,088 with somehow more recent numbers, even though GA’s site was updated 5 minutes ago)

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He’s a fuckin moron, not a economic or business genius in any sense

All he ever did was “cut regulations”



Because they’re slow for some reason. Don’t worry about it.

NC possible but super unlikely. GA is gonna be REALLY close.

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I still laugh at the memory of that modified celebration banner that said “Eat it motherfucker” when you won a pot

Definitely heard of, never looked into. On it now, and as always, I miss PokerStars.

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Most of the article was fine but this is just the same old bullshit where we pretend that “left” means whatever people want it to mean at any given time.


Bringing betting markets back because they aren’t depressing af like yesterday:

Biden strong favourite in Penn (-400), Solid favourite in Georgia (ceebs figuring out $1.70 in US odds)

Oh boy…


There is definitely an arguable case that Nate is not the problem - all he really does is aggregate polls. The actual pollsters are obviously fucking up worse than Nate.

However, he is such an insufferable smug douchebag that I think I speak for absolutely everyone here in wishing the dude would just go away.


Same. I was nodding along to the article until this part.


Ugh I’m losing steam, don’t know how much longer I can stay up. If I cave and go to sleep and it gets called in the next few hours I’m going to be super pissed, though.

Any way for one of us to wake you up if that happens?

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Just go to bed. It’s both over and very unlikely to be called tonight.


GA is in recount territory. i doubt its getting called tonight either way.

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Thanks. Much appreciated. Saved me a lot of time.

So, what’s Trump doing to challenge? Has he tipped his hand yet?

Aw shit, it’s Tucker time. I don’t think I can do this.

He’s not sure what to do, flailing, but the Proud Boys are standing by.

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This election is like the 2016 election and the 2018 election had a baby. It’s fugly as fuck but at least it’s ours.


Whining and filing obviously dumb lawsuits, I don’t see anything that presents any problem at all. The GOP and Fox aren’t going along with his bullshit really.

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