The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

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Pretty sure that’s exactly the point he’s not making.

My friend who just moved to Montana said they legalized weed there too.

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So much this. I really wanted the senate, I really wanted stimulus which like, directly effects me, but fuck it I just never want to have to think about Trump again.


There was cheating. Just not the way they think.

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Fox really stretching. Some stuffed shirt on here “if they can’t get the polling right how can we trust them to call it”


So, I stupidly was working today and have not seen TV, internet, or anything else for the last 10 hrs.

Can someone give me cliffs of the last 1600 posts.

How is Biden looking in PA?
Why is Nevada still in question?

NC and GA are for sure Trump at this point right?

Sadly, the voters who said in 2016 that they chose Trump because they thought he was “just like them” turned out to be right. Now, by picking him again, those voters are showing that they are just like him: angry, spoiled, racially resentful, aggrieved, and willing to die rather than ever admit that they were wrong.

It’s clear now that far too many of Trump’s voters don’t care about policy, decency, or saving our democracy. They care about power. Although Trump appears to have received a small uptick in votes from Black men and Latinos, the overwhelming share of his supporters are white. The politics of cultural resentment, the obsessions of white anxiety, are so intense that his voters are determined not only to preserve minority rule but to leave a dangerous sociopath in the Oval Office. Even the candidacy of a man who was both a political centrist and a decent human being could not overcome this sullen commitment to authoritarianism.

My greatest fear, aside from an eventual Trump victory over the coming days, is that no matter the outcome, both parties will rush to draw the wrong lesson from this close election.

The Republicans will conclude that just a bit more overt racism (but less tweeting about it) will carry the day the next time.

The Democrats, for their part, might look at this near-death experience, and, as they sometimes have in the past, conclude that moving left, including more talk of socialism and more social-justice activism is just the tonic they’ll need to shore up their coalition. Some Democrats tend to believe that almost every election confirms the need to lurch to the left, when in fact the 2020 election should be a reminder that Trump would have beaten anyone left of Biden.


Yea, they aren’t wrong, but can they just go ahead and call Biden.


If you can’t predict the weather, can I really trust you to tell me it’s raining? I think not.



Fuck looks like the writers screwed up and missed their target with the giant meteor by about 500 miles.

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Carville was lock of the century certain the election would be called at 9 pm last night after Biden won FL so…

Yeah, I’m a Nate Stan and this tweet is bad

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Biden looking very very good in PA - might win by 2%/100k+.

NV won’t report final results until tomorrow. But unlikely to flip to red.

GA very much in play - maybe even slight favorite Biden.

NC long shot.

My point is that decision desks and pollsters are different people

For sure. It’s one of those things where in 50 years drugs will be decriminalized everywhere in North America and our kids will look at now like we do prohibition.


Does anyone know of a site that actually posts the number for each jump in votes by state (preferably with timestamp)? Would really enjoy seeing the lead getting chunked down over time but haven’t found that graph yet.

I thought for a moment that Trump could have gained some traction if he would have encouraged nationwide legalization of marijuana when the pandemic hit. Would have raised revenue for the government, created jobs and eased the anxiety all at once. Would have been a good time to legalize online poker too. For all Trump’s talk about his great economy, what creative ideas did he have to create jobs in the wake of the pandemic? All he did was scream “turn the shit back on again”. That makes him some kind of economic genius?

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