The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Real talk, I think it’s totally fine and good if trump wants recounts in close states. It’s a natural impulse for something as silly as this.

But that tweet is just fucking pathetic.

It’s honestly not even worth figuring this out. I went down this road with the GA and MI suits and they are so blatantly frivolous it’s not worth your time.

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Man I don’t care about 538 at all, but he says ‘not great’, not mediocre, and that typically isn’t interchangeable. Just wondering about my sanity if I’m reading that tweet correctly. Nate seems to be in total agreement with you guys to me.

Didn’t he pass away in the last year?

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I like Nate and appreciate his attitude.

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Someone said we could get 51 in senate? Looks like 50 is best case to me? 5 left, 1 locked for us, Peters, two locks for GOP, NC and AK, leaving two left in GA with 48/49? I guess if you think NC is in play but I don’t think it is

Maybe we could try the fuck you emergency executive order strategy on for size on time?


Of course Fox News is fine to abandon him. This is going to be great for them. D President, divided Congress. They are going to be flinging so much shit at Biden for 2-4 years and ratings will shoot up.


I checked out on Tucker. The way he dumbsplains everything guiding you along the sophisticated evil Dem plot is what I imagine it’s like joining one of those cults Negreanu and Esfandiari were in.

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We “hereby claim”? Well, I’m sure that’s good enough for at least a few SC justices. Anywhere from 2-6.

Man, I’m not going to feel good without PA. 2 EVs is open to all kinds of BS. Just two faithless electors is all it takes to fuck things up.

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I guess I"m looking at the follow up tweet, too.


Yeah it might not be the best results for establishment republicans, but it’s a damn near close second if it isn’t

Yeah, I may have been rough in my initial interpretation. But that’s his fault for phrasing it poorly and leading with “the polls will likely call the winners for all but…”.

I wish I had been able to appreciate how amazing the internet was from like 2002-2005 as I lived it. I thought the rest of life was going to be that awesome.


Speaking of Negreanu - the live portion of his challenge with Polk is on Pokergo’s youtube channel right now.


Just looking at the PP interface makes me feel like I’m making money. Damn I miss that.


And why would they? This was truly the perfect result for them. It just so happens to have been a good result for us as well. Sometimes our interests overlap.

I appreciate it, but if I leave my ringer on my phone will keep ringing. All my friend know I’m the one to call on politics lol…

I agree, but I’ve waited four years for this and been up for 54 of 58 hours (just checked my FitBit to confirm), I don’t want to miss the end lol…

Georgia should finish tonight, and AZ has the two big dumps. If GA doesn’t get us there then I can go to bed, as NV won’t update tonight and I don’t think PA can get there - PA may also stop reporting after like 12am.

I need to make it a few more hours, basically.

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Whoa, buddy. You’ve got no idea how much time I waste. This would be a much better use of my time.

Cliffs on you findings would be appreciated.