The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

It is not surprising to me that the people who are the chief beneficiaries of the system aren’t so keen to sign on to burn it down. To state the obvious, Trump is much mistaken about how much the Presidency actually matters to the GOP elite. The idea that they’re going to the mat to get him for 4 years instead of Biden for 4 years is just nonsensical. What for?


Whatever happens, both seats will be either blue or red, probably with nearly the same vote.

100% too soon. We may need that unskewing the polls guy back.

GA deficit just went to 60K while I was on the NYT page.

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Man i fell asleep after bettinf Biden -300 and i see 1000 posts. Not ideal

Penn accepts ballots for up to 3 days after, i’d be surprised if there aren’t 1M left still

I think the current Dems are overly focused on passing soft legislation with buy in from conservatives, instead of just ramming through big policies that will be so popular they’re irreversible. Like, even Donnie Dumb Dumb knows that you have to praise Social Security and (lol) claim to protect it from the Dems. Once big progressive policy is in place and people like it its a done deal. If the current Dems had designed Social Security it would be a mess of investment industry designed subsidies for individual accounts with options to enroll in a qualifying employer sponsored plan, etc etc etc instead of just “heres money at retirement”.


I agree with you in principle, but how do you achieve the bolded with Mitch running the show?

PA deficit down to about 285K per NYT. I think that’s without any additional Philly results. They’ve been on 70% reported for a while.


Executive order


You stop giving a shit about democratic norms. Executive orders and bullshit tactics like declaring emergencies and re-allocating money.

If the situation was reversed Trump would find lots of ways to do this shit.

That’s the accuracy in predictions we have gotten used to. ;)


Sign me up! I’m down

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Yeah, understood. I just think theres a real “forest for the trees” where they can’t imagine a world where they’re not begging for conservative buyin instead of focusing on obtaining power and then wielding it ruthlessly.

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Perdue is running pretty well ahead of Trump. Good chance there’s no runoff for that seat.

Pandemic - national emergency.

Climate change - national emergency.


I don’t think this is going to get it done. In the state overall Biden is only at 51.5% on absentee. Too much non-ATL stuff here I think.

Should make up 133K off Philly alone. That leaves 170K to make up with 515K outstanding. So we need 67/33.

That also only lists counties with over 45K left. So there are others that are smaller too.

I still think we’re fine. We’ve got it.

Mondays - national emergencies