The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

That only works when the courts are in your favour. I would bet Mitch is going to challenge every damn thing an acting does in court, AND be willing to go to the mattresses on it.

Also worth pointing out that the assertion of Chapo et al that turnout is the key and there’s a Silent Majority of leftists out there waiting to be tapped also appears to be bullshit. Turnout went up a pile and it didn’t help. Luckily the electorate already support leftist economic policy. How many of the people who voted R and also Yes to the minimum wage hike do you think would agree with the proposition “The Democratic Party are Too Far Left”? Like 90% of them?

It’s abundantly clear by now that “too far left” and “socialism” are terms meaning “people whom I dislike for cultural reasons”. Looking forward to 2028 when Florida votes R, citing the Dems being “too far left”, while simultaneously passing “Amendment 3: Seize The Means Of Production”.


NO, this thread will not be defiled by Seth Abramson tweets.



I sort of feel like just reading the simplicitus posts.


If Biden wins 75% of those as he has been that puts him up by 40k

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Don’t get me wrong, I have no faith that the Biden administration will actually do this, but that’s where the “fuck you, no” response has such a high success rate.

All he’s got is a senile jerk off. Sorry Donny boy, you can’t be president four more years but if you want a cameo in a Borat movie, Rudy has the hook up!

Is it bleak? Do we have any poles yet? (ducks)

Too soon?


Trump wanted to push all the buttons all the time. I want to force the existing tech companies to come to the table and negotiate. A negotiation that I want us to have all the leverage in. I want us to tell them how it’s going to be from now on when it comes to certain types of content. And I mean I want to tell them what the results need to be or we’ll set their market cap at fucking zero.

Democrats are going to learn the wrong lesson from this, with tragic consequences.

Expect to hear a lot about “most votes ever” and “won popular vote by 5 million” or whatever.

You are exactly right but they just don’t get it. If this party got out of its own way and widely advocated for things like legal weed and universal health care, the GOP would be toast. Just as importantly, you are right that going full Chapo is also not the answer.


Yeah, I realized that there’s a lot of counties not listed that probably have <45K…so total outstanding may still be well over 1M. Biden has won 78% of absentee, so he’d have to massively underperform the absentee count thus far to not overtake the lead. All the experts say he’s in good shape…I just can’t get emotionally invested in the win until I know it’s happened.

Send a PM to Sklansky to collect your bucks.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump ends up in hospital before the end of the year and misses the inauguration due to bad health.

I’d think that’s his out, sympathy.

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I’ve thought for a while Warnock/Loeffler, with no Trump turnout, is a pretty good scenario to try and flip the seat.


This AAG commercial for reverse mortgages with Tom Selleck is amazing. It’s basically him saying, “Hey everyone, this isn’t a scam. Really!”



I h8 that advert

Yeah if Dems can run the turnout campaign to end all turnout campaigns then surely it’s live.