The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

It’s a Karen Convention! Sorry GOP, not gonna work. You lost, go home.

Biden is too far ahead in Michigan for that shit to work. It only worked in Florida in 2000 because it was a statistical tie.

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We will definitively know AZ results at 9pm when Maricopa announces updated results.


I so want some liberal to take a stroll over there and start singing… “Na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye!”

Is there any chance PA gap closes to blue tonight also? Seems like Friday is soonest.

Not sure if I want them to go home if we are drawing live to a few of them getting roughed up.

So AZ, NV, GA, NC, PA and MI have yet to be called right?

And currently it’s looking like:

Biden - AZ, NV, PA and MI
Trump - GA and NC

It’s down to 388K, but I don’t think we close it all the way down today. Thurs night at the earliest IMO. I think that was my projection a few days ago, I’ll stick to it.

Giuliani will do 45 mins just on that fake screen shot MI update that went viral about 128K Biden votes being added and 0 for Trump.

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He’s fat, lazy and old. If we were really drawing live to the darker scenarios he would have done something else by now.

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that doesn’t make too much sense because trump got a record number of votes this election

Georgia is a toss up I think. NC lean Trump but we’ve got outs.

It was a clickbait amendment pushed by literal members of Mar a Lago to help drive more Trump voters to the polls. They might as well have proposed an amendment that read, “America: Fuck Yeah! Y/N?”

More on it here if you’re interested


Some exactly perfect sarcasm right here!
The hypocrisy & stupidity of these fuckers is off the charts.

@anon10396289 was absolutely one of the calm voices of reason last night. 2020 man.


I tried to go to bed but it was pointless.


GA blue on Predictit

eta swongs tho, around 50 will probably bid up red by the end of this edit


He will never admit he lost. Ever.


It’s looking like nothing of the sort in GA right now. GA right now is probably Florida 2000.


I feel you man. That is exactly why I went to sleep. The rush of relief and euphoria just isn’t worth what it costs me lol. I get one taste and I turn into Uncut Gems. Suddenly I’m actually LOOKING for impossible challenges just to occasionally get that sweet sweet relief of occasionally binking a moment of victory or simple peace. Much better for me to go to sleep and grab a hammer if I woke up to bad news. I was going to do that anyway! Better to have at least slept last night. And now there is instead good news and Trump is rage tweeting in anticipation of them carrying him out the door.