The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

That’s because his side was winning

It’s like watching a snail race.

I wonder how many US citizens have died sice they cast their vote. Do those votes still count?

I hear ya. I had internalized that it was over, and as depressing as it was, it kept me from incessantly checking my phone. I didn’t want to be awake to see it become official.

He’ll I’m still a littler nervous about AZ and NV. Moreso AZ because we’ve heard nothing all day. Perhaps irrationally so.

I totally agree with your broader point, but never forget that for Donnie Dumb Dumb “best” = “most subservient and loyal”, period. He has no other basis for assessing quality.

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Anyone here when GA/AZ announce next?

We learned last night that the betting markets are even fucking stupider than we thought.


exit polls matched the polls

maybe we end up learning the polls were right and massive fuckery is larger than we thought it was


About 3:50.

I have no clue though.


This is how it looks if Georgia goes Trump

Biden would have to get either MI or PA for the win

Non-citizens can vote in non-federal elections (when allowed by state/local law).

I’m fairly confident that @anon10396289 wanted Trump to lose last night as much as the rest of us.

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I don’t even understand what the game is here. Are they bringing in the grifters from sports memorabilia shops to verify signatures with electron microscopy and award a Certificate of Authenticity, or is that only for the AA precincts?

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Maybe elsewhere but not in FL.

yeah, I never bought that it was over. I wasn’t as confident as Cuse, but I thought Biden was like 50/50 when I tried to go to bed at 3 am. That’s why I couldn’t sleep, I just needed to know.

Alicia Parlapiano, in Washington 23m ago

Officials in Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, have said they will update results around 9 p.m. Eastern (7 p.m. local time) on Wednesday. See Arizona results ›

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Nope, Granny Myrtis with her 20/10,000 vision determines if the signatures match.

Yea in the end it was GOP fuckery. They had too many states to screw with. If it was only one state, they probably would have pulled it off.

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Your country is fucked. No offense.


Remember when I said I was worried Dem governors wouldn’t have enough protection around the ballots? Yeah, well, thank God nobody showed up with guns. Looks like they’re basically in the room where it happens.

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