The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

lol she is the woat I forgot to block her since switching to this handle but have since remedied that

Like literally anyone on this forum is further left than the politicians she’s lived under her entire life


Nah, this is the “SMACKDOWN” thread for full-throttle going at it. If you want a results-tracking thread, start another one.


You mean people against abortion and gay marriage but who like spending money on the military and things benefitting rich people.

They’re called “Republicans.”


My parents voted by mail (drop-off) in Wisconsin and there, a witness signature is required. Thus, they witnessed each other’s. My dad told me that he was literally unable to sign his name for a while and eventually realized it was because he was so nervous that his signature would look different and the ballot would be tossed. Once he realized that, he just got it out of his mind and signed.

Of course, that got me worried when I signed my own ballot. I actually paused a moment before putting pen to envelope.

The Republican candidate is projected to win one of two seats from among four candidates in the race for North Dakota’s 8th district.


I wonder what they are all thinking right now (exclusive fox news watchers/trumpers)? Do they think he got reelected?

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Don’t worry, if Trump tries to subvert the democratic system we have tons of white militia types with guns to step in against him and restore our democracy. They’ve been preparing for this moment their entire adult lives.


I really am amazed how quickly things changed between 3:45 AM and 4:15 AM this morning. For those of you who were not awake when this thing swung to Biden, man what a fucking rush.

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I’ve just done the same to spare this thread a multiple hour/day back and forth before she runs off again tail tucked for a month or two.

Counterpoint: Dump is not going to leave voluntarily

Someone catch me up. We winning yet?

I legit thought I threw out my shoulder fist-pumping so hard when AZ was called. It had been nothing but pure misery up to that point.



AFAIK, that’s always been the case

They are going to have Giuliani made some outrageous claims that no one with an ounce of dignity would be make. Most Trump campaigners are super low on the dignity scale so that gives you a hint as to how insane Giuliani’s accusations will be.

Maybe something like “received information from a mole that Ds are faking hundreds of thousands of ballots to steal the election!!! Counting must stop NOW! (in Pennsylvania only…) until we figure out what the hell is going on!”

I think KEEEED broke the AZ news last night too, chef’s kiss

Small point but some people here who don’t prioritise free healthcare are very much to the right of most politicians in the whole of Europe.


“Too early to call!”

Kudos to those that hung in there. I went to bed around 11pm, explaining to my wife how it probably wasn’t going to happen, and we were going to have him 4 more years.

I woke up at 2:30 and caught up on this thread. I was so excited but didn’t wake her because I didn’t want to jinx it.

Still not 100% there mentally because of lack of details on AZ/NV, I courts and other fuckery, but sure feels good where we are at!