The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Update on CA-50?

Along with MA and VA. And sighhhhhhhh…KY.

Rudy Giuliani is going to conduct a press conference.

This is their actual strategy.

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Georgia margin 77K.


To some extent we should enjoy their flailing knowing that Donald Trump is suffering immensely inside right now. Someone get Borat to this presser to needle Rudy.


That used to be the case, but then they passed a requirement for a super majority and that calmed things down quite a bit. Other than the 2018 election cycle in which we went buck wild and passed almost every amendment.

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She means immoral things like pointing out how people who lock kids in cages are monsters. We’ve been through this like half a dozen times. Then she goes away for a while and comes back later and eventually we rinse and repeat.


Wait our nation’s alcoholic and Fredo are doing a press conference together? Wow.

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Like the Biden/Dems strategy is to already have ballot curing phone banking shifts pushed on social media to make sure they get all those votes fixed.

The Trump campaign strategy is to send Eric Trump, Lara Trump, Pam Bondi, Cory Lewandowski and Rudy Giuliani out for press conferences.

LOL I like our chances fellas.


Like all things among social conservatives their concern over abortion is a total lie. It’s just a Trojan horse to ram more religion down all our throats. Everything “they care about” is just about more religion in the public sphere.

Same as everything else. Dems assume they have the “legalize weed” vote locked up, so they triangulate and campaign on stuff like decriminalizing possession under certain amounts while still advocating locking up those dangerous weed dealers, and end up losing a bunch of voters who actually care about legalizing weed but realize that the Dems have no intention of doing so. Toss in a bunch of “we’ll lock up drug users in mandatory rehab which is totally not prison” rhetoric.

At least they pick up -3% of moderate republicans in the process!


Can we get a post-mortem thread going and move some of that stuff? It’s interesting and all but some of us stayed up all night and are trying to keep up with the results and don’t have the mental energy to sift through it efficiently.

Thanks, love you all!





That describes some social conservatives, but not all.

Most of my interaction with anti-abortion types has been with the sort of Catholic social justice activists who also go to anti-war and anti-capital punishment demonstrations.

All billionaires are evil is a more accurate generalization than all social conservatives are evil.



This is a good idea. This threat should be just results tracking.

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They get nearly half of the country to vote for them and the best they can come up with for a spokesperson is Rudy Giuliani? And the general cast of characters in the Administration? WTF? And they got almost half the vote? The best thing about a Biden election is a return to competence in the Cabinet. The bench was really thin on the Republican side and Trump has been succeeding in politicizing the intelligence agencies and civil servants.

Am I reading this correctly that a full QUARTER of mail ballots in a predominantly AA county in Georgia require curing? I dunno usual numbers but eye test says that’s straight up Tom Fuckery.