The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

How does ~noone run explicitly on legalizing weed? It crushes basically every demo and the 2 initiatives won by 20 and 34 points in very different states.

wat, not aware of any immoral policies on this forum really

No one has a medical need to be a billionaire, so yes.

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Some opportunities to help increase the margins:

To help ensure that all votes are counted, there are a number of ways you can help today and this week to contact voters whose ballots are in danger of not being counted due to technical issues. Here are activities you can sign up for in Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina.
Georgia: Ballot Rescue Calls - The Final Push! (For GA Trained Volunteers ONLY) Ā· DPG Voter Protection
North Carolina: NC Voter Protection Provisional Phone Bank Ā· Fight For NC

It was both stupid and unnecessary as non citizens already cannot vote.

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As you know, Floridians routinely amend the state constitution like its no big deal.

Ummā€¦Iā€™ll get the link but Kamala was the lead sponsor on a bill to decriminalize MJ and expunge all use-related records. Announced it I think a month ago.


One of the FL amendments (which failed) was to make it even harder to do that.


What if we provide you with government funded kittens?


But abortion is an economic issue. Just like other social issues like combating systemic racism.

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Delighted to learn that, apparently, Pennsylvania is a Commonwealth! :slight_smile:

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this isnā€™t so much directed at you than this derail, but Orange is going to lose by more than 3 million votes. it wasnā€™t really close 4 years ago and itā€™s not really close this time either.

the truth of us sweating this like our lives are literally on the line speaks to the broken system we are trapped in. weā€™d probably be better off working towards a solution of a systemic problem than continuing to fight ever shifting culture wars.


I found it funny last night that at the same time a lot of us were freaking out, the Staten Island deplorables I know on Fb were either silent or were openly fretting about Dear Leaderā€™s chances.

This isnā€™t The Newsroom. The Associated Press is not doubling down on a call of Arizona in the presidential election because some dude clicked the wrong button or something. We do not live in an Aaron Sorkin show.

Iā€™m not trying to be snarky toward you or anything, just making a Sorkin related joke. The Associated Press absolutely 100% dove back in and probably got fresh eyes on everything, too. They likely felt at least 99.99% sure to double down like that. They know the whole world is watching.


lol Fox News dot com has updated their little EV counter which theyā€™ve tucked way down in the bottom left of the screen where you can barely see it, but they still wonā€™t color WI blue on the map which features prominently in the middle of the page. Fking wankers.



Yes! If you live in one of the places with close races, ballot curing is essential.

Iā€™m heading down to the ROV right now for a shift (Iā€™m still campaign staff, but vols are needed!)


Rudy? Lol, heā€™s scraping the bottom of the barrel. Rudy is who you go to when you need a dumb conspiracy, not when you need to rally the proud boys.

Tonight and half of tomorrow I sleep. Then I train and sign up to phone bank for this. Probably not a higher EV phone banking shift you can do in politics than something that literally gets you votes in a razor thin margin election.


Take this shit to another thread, please. Nobody needs to hear your bullshit today about how calling a monster a monster is worse than actually being a monster.