The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Everyone in AZ is apparently at some crystal negative energy cleansing ceremony out in the desert. Counting votes tomorrow.


These currently donā€™t count in anything, right? So this is more for us to gainā€¦ Weā€™re going to take Georgia I think.

In the post you quoted, I said that a plurality of Americans believe abortion should be legal in the first trimester. When you combine that with the people who believe abortion should be always legal, then of course a majority of Americans support first trimester abortion rights.

So wait, we just (hopefully) barely eked out an election against the worst president in modern history, during a pandemic when 100s of thousands of people were dying. The exit polls and ballot initiatives showed that the general public supports progressive issues more than they support milquetoast centrist Dem politicians who capitulate to Republicans on issue after issue. And your solution for the future is toā€¦ capitulate on more issues?



4 years from now that pollster will have even more money thrown at him.

They are like economists. Allowed to be completely wrong and still get paid mountains of money.

Iā€™ve never thought that the politicians on the right really want to ban abortion. They just want to say they want to ban it. That way they keep the evangelicals and donā€™t risk their election chances by enacting an unpopular law.


Can we get Purdue down to 49.99%?


Itā€™s just disturbing. The senate was so important. On the bright sideā€¦ What happens to Trump if he loses? The senate will still block everything related to criminal activity (or maybe not if heā€™s no longer president?), but the SDNY still can go full speed ahead, right?

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The AP doubled down, AZ is locked up unless you think the most reliable news org that has never missed a call in an election ever just doubled down on their first colossal fuckup.

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I think some % go one way and some % go the other. It probably matters a lot who offers the ministers an easier life. I think we could pitch some of these grifters on changing their priorities in exchange for something. I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever even consider taking the L on abortion without getting them on board first tbh. Female voters are hugely pro choice, vote, and we have large edges with them. Iā€™m not in a hurry to give up that advantage without getting something significant in return. Something like the GOPā€™s main constituency which contains nearly every woman who isnā€™t hugely pro choice.

I should mention that I donā€™t believe in successful minsters who are also true believers. These people are as cynical as it gets.

Everything is paused while they celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. day.




Yup. With 19% left and 80% of that projected to go to Biden (assuming theyā€™re all absentee ballots), heā€™ll cruise to victory. Well relative to other states that is.

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Just to be clear though, you are ok with guillotines for non medical reasons?


I also maxed out AZ after it dropped down into the mid-70s (after originally entering at 92), but letā€™s not pretend like this ^ would be a crazy outcome given how 2020 has gone so farā€¦

Florida also passed Amendment 1 which is a stupid, ā€œyou have to be a US citizen to vote in Floridaā€ law, so Iā€™m sure the Republican Party will use it to disenfranchise a bunch more people next go round.

Redacted for privacy.

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Think Iā€™ll be giving my time to something else today. Biden won. Time to take the W and deal with the Ls tomorrow.

See you in five minutes.


If I propose Medicare For All with some weaker version of the Hyde Amendment, am I capitulating? I want to move leftward on economic issues and see compromising on social issues as the price.

My general point is that economic liberalism plus social conservatism is preferable to economic conservatism plus social liberalism. If we have to make some compromises to build a coalition, I prefer doing the former to the latter.