The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

For Biden as president, yeah pretty okay.

For just about everything else, pretty fuckin far from okay.


We should do the same but instead of hockey include a complimentary round of mini-golf.

Thanks, appreciate it. Not gonna lie, nobody agreeing w/ me before the election about the naked ballots tilted the fuck out of me because I live in PA, had canvassed and knew the campaign was VERY concerned about it, and knew it was going to take a bite out of our polling.

I don’t know if that kind of stuff vis a vis tossing mail-ins will be as significant in other states, I’m genuinely very curious to find out.

I think that and no ground game anywhere but MN is going to explain a lot. We’re all going to launch the pollsters into the sun, but IMO we’re going to be too hard on them. This was a once in a lifetime election: major shift in voting methodology, counting methodology, turnout, the party alignment still shifting along racial lines in hard to scientifically predict ways, and tons of voter suppression and flat out cheating.

Like if it turns out they were 1.5% outside the MOE or something like that, meh, not a huge deal IMO given the circumstances.

That said, everyone who had like Biden +19 in swing states needs to do some explaining.

We probably lose a bunch of pro choice people plus gain zero pro life single voters because our opponent says if the dem gets elected MS13 will preform mandatory abortions post 3rd trimester.


IMO they’d just pick another conservative “single issue” and rally behind that. The religious right will fall back on “socialism” if they have to. The socialists banned religion, dontchaknow.


We will never, ever take the L on abortion.

Case study: second amendment. We definitively took the loss on that. The Supreme Court tossed the ability for state and local government to ban certain types of guns (subject to limitations). Basically exactly what conservatives want with abortion.

And, yet, the deplorables are whipped into furor over gun rights, even though it’s something Dems hardly ever do a thing on.

Abortion will be the same if Roe v Wade disappears. It will be a pivotal issue for our entire lives.


This is your view and you’re conveniently assuming most people share it because everyone likes to think that. 60% of people broadly support first trimester abortion rights. Look it up.

The SC flipping Roe may be what it takes to get a real blue wave though.

Are you opposed to that if it means we can have two blue senators from KS?

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Yes lol. It’s just a veil for Christofascism.

That’s because the majority of Americans are religious. If you’re not religious, it’s pretty easy to come down on the right side of the abortion (er, women’s rights) debate

Not sure why you think their racism is all that hidden right now.


They think saying “urban” instead of the n word is hiding it.


See what’s going on in Poland now?

Nobody’s taking that loss.


They would be split. In a two-party system, Democrats would pick up some Catholic social justice types while Republicans would retain more evangelical-ish voters.

Update on AZ? Still looking good? Same with NV and Michigan? That’s all we need right? Would about MI senate?


I’d like to have a cushion. With 270-268 it’s pretty easy for a recount or lawsuit to turn the election towards Trump.


Didn’t they have Dems winning the senate at like 80%? If not that high, I know they had us as a pretty attractive favorite

A few more PA votes just showed up on NYT
Gap is now under 450k
If this pace keeps up, Biden wins PA with a decent margin