The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Can we finally say that the Democratic party is impotent and it’s time for a 3rd party? I mean jfc how do you lose to this moron once and then either lose or almost lose back to back?

I’m not sure what to make of the senate and house results. Some very good progressives lost. Being American has become shameful


I can’t even find an official statement on what the plan is.

PA inside of 400k now.


House is going to only be single digit margins for dems too.

Catching up on the last 12ish hours now. Am I understanding correctly that things look… ok? maybe?

Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan gets us to exactly 270, right?


Maybe, but cherry-picking one here from an A- on this Collins/Gideon, the pollster had:

and FiveThirtyEight scored it 48/46, so I don’t think it’s necessarily One Simple Trick.

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I don’t think this can happen, but his sycophant proud boys can definitely cause a world of unrest

Grunching because I finally napped, but so far we seem to be fading the darkest timeline of Trump election interference. Don’t come at me narrator. Like, Trump hasn’t tweeted to his supporters to go “watch” the ballot counting with a helpful address in Philadelphia.


I have spent a lot of time looking at the data. The extreme positions are abortion completely legal and abortion completely illegal (maybe with rape/incest exceptions). A lot of people, however, seem to want abortion to be legal in more cases than just rape/incest but not for all abortions to be legal.

Most people want abortion to be legal when the health of the mother is involved and they don’t even make the requirement that it be a life or death issue. Somewhat less, but usually still a majority want abortion to be legal when it involves fetal health issues.

I’d argue that a plurality of Americans probably occupy a middle ground where they accept abortion should be legal when the health of the mother or fetus is in question and during the first trimester and want abortion to be illegal or restricted in all other cases. How is the issue is framed and debated in the public square does not allow for this point of view to be expressed. I think that is a problem.

Yeah, but plot twist, AZ which was called by Fox and AP is somewhat back in play, and NV is pretty close and we won’t know much about it until tomorrow. May still need PA after all is said and done.

It is kind of funny how easy it is to vote in Canada. They give you one sheet if paper with a list of candidates. They give you a little pencil.

If you like tax cuts you put an X by the blue name.
If you like unions you put an X by the orange name.
If you like trees you put an X by the green name.
If you like corruption you put an X by the red name.

Easy peasy, done in seconds and back home to watch hockey.


Yes and I’m not sure why anyone’s even worried about AZ. Literally AP and Fox News called it hours ago guys Biden won.


Don’t know what the SD is, but that’s gotta be like, what, at least 4 standard deviations off?

Rudy and Eric have a presser in Philly in less than an hour and I sure as shit wouldn’t rule it out.

I was laying in bed last night and had a wild thought.

What happens if we took the L on abortion? Where do all those single-issue voters go? Does it force their racism out into the open? Or does it give them an out to finally start voting the way they say they would if only for the poor babies?


Georgia down to 79k now.

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Who cares? Pretty sure we could fill a library with the “technical” crimes committed by the GOP over the last 8 years

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gtfo of this thread with this crap