The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Yes it does. I prefer the pro abortion types to the pro police types. I think we can build a pretty good anti government tyranny attack line on the police that will sell to X% of these types though. They hate government tyranny lol.

The thing you guys are missing is that you don’t need to change your actual policy plans at all. You just have to convert what you want to do into the language of conservatives. They love freedom, they love cheesy, they love god, etc. You appeal to them through these things.

I linked Andrew Yang’s policy page for a reason. Turning Universal Basic Income, which is seriously what the left calls sending people cash money’s on an ongoing basis no matter what, sells fantastic to conservatives as the freedom dividend. Socialism sounds a lot better as human focused capitalism. It goes on and on.

This isn’t about winning all of them, it’s about winning enough of them to make KS competitive. These people no actual principles, Trump just proved that. Take advantage of that!!!

And where there are actual one issue voters avoid the issue. Abortion and guns we should probably refuse to touch with a 25 foot pole during campaign season. When we do stuff about that it should be very liberal and it should be done in the dead of night when another story is dominating the cycle. They’ll be outraged for a little while, but if they can forget brown kids in cages they can forget abortion.

We could gain a lot of ground by making some concessions too. Say that you only support elective abortions in the first trimester. Say you support policies that lower the abortion rate AND the teen pregnancy rate. Talk about how getting pregnant too often traps a young woman in a life of poverty family values family values.

Pete is really good at this as well. I think he’s probably a terrible human being, but I think he’s fabulous at this. When he uses theological arguments on Republicans it makes me very happy.



To be fair, I’m not sure I would have gotten as sucked back in if it weren’t for the chance of a massive landslide. I totally recognized our current situation was a likely outcome, but man, I couldn’t have passed up a chance at a pure Trump Thumping. Sad day.

I do think I need to take a step back and realize that I should focus more on local politics and on concrete things I can help out with. Particularly as a Canadian. :smiley:

Edit: To expand, I’ve given up on Governments dealing with climate change. It’s just not going to happen and the incentives aren’t there. So I think it’s going to be private business / citizen action that makes it happen. Probably something I need to explore more.


right, yeah lol. Postal Voting been in ROW for 15 years now so I forget how far ahead we are

Look at this all star team


Was Jacob Wohl busy or something?


I would lie to pollsters just because they’re being fuckin nosy and they interrupted whatever I was doing.

I have a Michigan cell number and I actually got called by a pollster last week and was in the process of executing my nefarious plan but was foiled by the pollster who asked what my zip code was. I couldn’t remember what a Michigan zip code was and panicked and hung up.


I started my day off bitching at my boss about things he has no control over and doesn’t understand, had a nice 30 minute rant with a coworker, had two awesome conversations with customers, and am writing an email that throws about 8 people under the bus. I haven’t been this happy at work in forever.


Isn’t the leak alleging Karl Rove cheating that they can move the results 3% without raising suspicions? Don’t the polls always miss by somewhere in that range? Lol


Abortions for medical reasons are legal and paid for by universal health care. Abortions for non-medical reasons illegal or at least not covered by government health care. This includes abortion for purely financial reasons or gender selection. Acquiescence to parental notification laws (which tend to have strong, super-majoritarian support in polling).

Fuck off.


Oh gtfo


Yeah, reminder that Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are “Hispanic.”

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Well, the good news out of Maine is Susan Collins learned her lesson.


This all seems like its going according to the script in many ways. Pretty soon we’ll get to the point where Trump has lost his court challenges and lost the election, but goes full-blown dictator and tries to use the military to protect him from being removed from the White House.


Funny how your definition of moderation is actually capitulation.


That’s definitely some kind of technical crime.

Is AZ going to fucking count a vote today or what? Only the entire planet is waiting.


So … pizzas blessed by a priest that come with some guns?