The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

NY Times just called Wisconsin for JOE

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Are any heads gonna roll for the polls being off this much again? I donā€™t think I ever saw a poll showing Collins up in Maine.



Like, I kind of get why people would lie to pollsters about voting for Trump.

I cannot fathom why theyā€™d lie about Senate or House votes, especially if the polls are specfically about those races.

Soon is not soon enough.

I got ponied but right, if we take 2018 ā†’ 2020 numbers at face value aorn then the cult of personality in and of itself seems to be where the equity is baked in. Not only will he not stump, could see him openly shitting all over the state similar to MI and PA. Something really petty like peaches are for losers or being overtaken by Hollywood Jews. This is straight out of Narcissism for Dummies. Awkward scenario for two candidates trying to out-stan each other on Daddy loyalty.


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Iā€™m never going to 538 again and in 2024 Iā€™m going to vote and forget about it until itā€™s called.

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This is definitely true. So much of their political goals is simply to formalize and entrench double standards. ā€œSocial conservativesā€ are just supporters of rights for some and not for others.

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yup. completely done with the Nates and following election swings. generally been too stressed to even post here


Were the polls accurate if you assumed literally every undecided was a Trump/GOP voter across the board?


You had the same effect more dramatically (with a smaller sample size) with that county in Texas that bordered Mexico. Went from Clinton +30 to like Trump +6 with basically the same turnout for HRC and Biden.

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The worst part is eDems are going to see their gains amongst whites and be like ā€œyes, more of that!ā€

Among? Me fail English? Thatā€™s unpossible


The amazing thing is when you think about it, polls serve zero social value. There is no reason any polls should exist outside those conducted by parties.


Democrats have never stopped trying to grab that with both hands and itā€™s never done them the slightest good, same as flag-waving.

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speedy process

Thatā€™s what everyone said 4 years ago, and we were all back huffing the fumes. And yaā€™ll will be back next time too, thatā€™s just what we do now.


Iā€™ll be back, Iā€™ll just be unskewing everything for a 12% polling error, nbd.

Our ballots are more complicated than a single sheet of paper with 2 checkboxes so it takes a while.

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