The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Yeah, I’m just saying they likely won anyway in FL but they cheated just in case and I’m guessing that the massive swing in Miami-Dade percentages is largely due to Hispanic votes that break more for Dems just disappearing.

Ballots suddenly found? Jesus these fucking people are so mind numbingly stupid and allergic to facts.

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I got in a huge argument with people in my CA 48 campaign group about this. We won anyway, but I was basically like “why the fuck arent we canvassing when we know 100% they will.”

Plus I was convinced it could be done safely. I still believe it could have been. But lol democrats.

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This whole talk of polling errors is so tilting to me. If they were actual random errors they would favor the Dems once in a while. Either the polls suck or there is funny business going on.


Lol I’m old enough to remember when “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” was a big thing. It really just mean fuck the poor but I want to smoke weed. But still - no one even identifies that way any more.


Funny business

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I think it’s time for Quinnipac to shut down the ole polling operation. They have to be running like 4 standard errors away across the board.


Assuming a Biden win , deporting all the cubans in Florida day 1 ?


Did enjoy some schadenfreude ala Rush and the idiots that call in.

As the nation watched Georgia and the fate of its 16 electoral votes, an estimated 200,000 ballots remained uncounted on Wednesday morning, more than double President Trump’s current margin over former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., officials said.

A majority of the remaining ballots come from counties in Atlanta’s metropolitan area, including Fulton and DeKalb counties, which are Democratic strongholds.

As of Wednesday afternoon, about 85,000 votes separated the candidates in Georgia, with Mr. Trump leading with 50.3 percent of the vote, or 2.39 million votes.

Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, said at a meeting with reporters that he would pressure county officials in the state to complete the tally on Wednesday.


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Cnn just called wisconsin… 3 more. One time dealer


On Tuesday morning, Bush cast her vote while wearing a mask with “Breonna Taylor” printed on it. A vocal supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement Bush became politically active in 2014 protesting the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

I feel very hopeful again.


An election that leaves ~no one happy would be pretty 2020, you have to admit.

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They could have voted that way any other time in history. My first executive order would be to impose a moratorium on crosstab microanalysis until we know all of the votes have been accurately counted.

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Fuck :mobile_phone_off: n8


They can’t call Nevada today, and a PA call today is unlikely. So the only way thing gets called today is if Biden pulls out in front in Georgia.

AZ numbers have barely budged all day. No idea WTF they are doing out there.

Michigan is getting called today imo. I agree now that it won’t get called most likely today

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Man I wish I was as confident as most of you. I still see this as very dicey. (And I’m not talking about the recount / legal shenanigan; just trying to get to 270).