The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Would have lost quite a bit of money guessing which of these candidates from Michigan was the Dem based on photos.


You gamboolers fascinate me. Glglglglgl

lol double max cracks me up every time.

i got biden at +280 last night, but not that much.


Many Latino voters are also strongly religious, so likely agree with Rā€™s on many culture war issues. Polls show that they are both more pro-life and anti-gay marriage than overall population.


Those totals are both below those reported at DDHQ

There itā€™s

James: 2,575,750
Peters: 2,567,920

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Someone above posted that the remaining NC ballots only need to break like 60% for Biden to flip it. Why isnā€™t it considered more in play?

The house seat in ME-2 called for the Democrat.

So Democrats win both house seats in Maine, but donā€™t win all the EVs for Biden nor the senate seat.

wtf is this election where a result days like dayz? Might have 'em counted by Friday?

Yeah Iā€™m friends with a bunch in LA and in a mostly Latino hiking group. A lot of them lean left but still post anti-abortion stuff on FB.

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No. I want to bottle their tears and have it with my wife on date nights. Seriously fuck these people. I know we need to win them, but thatā€™s hard work Iā€™m willing to do, it doesnā€™t redeem them in any way. We shouldnā€™t have to run our campaigns at a second grade level to have a chance at winning them, but it sure as shit looks like we do.


Thereā€™s no ballots left to count in NC. Heā€™s just banking on absentee ballots arriving later. And hey look the mail has been fucked here in NC for months so itā€™s not impossible.

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This number of outstanding votes lines up with what NYT/CNN have btw which is 93%. I did the quick math myself.

306-232, same voted results as 2016.



i used to get upset every time I saw an RIP Doyle post on 2+2 and hope it wasnā€™t true. Now I canā€™t fucking wait. What a complete POS.


I canā€™t believe the polls got us twice in a row now. Next time Iā€™m going to completely ignore them.

Weā€™re dupes just like the the Republican unskewed guys. We just do it with fancier math.


Who wants to bet the missing South Florida votes are neighborhood specific to non-Cuban non-Venezuelan Hispanic neighborhoods?

Wasnā€™t it like 200K ballots? Biden lost by like 3x that. Obviously itā€™s BS but Biden pretty much got trounced in FL.

The effect isnā€™t restricted to Latinos. People of all nationalities want to pull up the drawbridge after them, unfortunately.

Itā€™s just another horrible thing about people.