The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Looks like Dems fucked up big time stopping the canvassing. I get why they did it, but as soon as the GOP was back at it we should have been back at it too. It cost us margin in POTUS races and downballot it’ll hit us hard… in a race to determine redistricting.

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81K in Georgia. Do we know the forecast total number of ballots?

Why is nothing being called. Sheesh.

Real tough to choose between Omar and AOC for best Congressperson.


Rush melting down is delicious

Is it bad that I want the red hats to feel the same overwhelming confidence followed by crushing defeat like we did in 2016?

I want them to cry. I want them to feel it in their souls. I want them to be depressed for four fucking years like I was.

Prolly not good for the country though.



And knowing he’ll die soon

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another awful trump tweet, needs to be banned

What’s the most Biden can finish with if he wins everything still up for grabs?

Limbaugh? Is he not dead?

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Yeah he mad


So what are we looking at in the Senate? 50R-48D with two runoffs?

NC ballots can arrive for another week

Gary Peters leading by .1% and I’m ecstatic

Biden leading by +5 and I’m biting my nails

It’s a condition.


NC could technically turn blue, too.


Hey, it’s 2020 we can’t use fossil as an insult anymore. :smiley:

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And I am now double-max on AZ and dollars are on sale there.

Edited to add: I was previously in for like 70% of double max.


What doesn’t make sense is calling AZ with 20% outstanding but not call WI with literally nothing outstanding.

Not saying AZ is wrong - but further proof media is going to be ridiculously gun shy to push anybody to 270.

I doubt there’s ever been a case with a candidate leading by .6 WITH ALL PRECINCTS REPORTING, but media said well… it’s really close and this fascist is asking for a recount, so we’re holding off.